
David Ciardi


Title: Senior Scientist

Room Number: 135

Office Address: 135 Morrisroe Astroscience Lab (IPAC)

Office Phone: 626-395-1834

Mail Code: MC 100-22

Email (@ipac.caltech.edu): ciardi

Website: http://web.ipac.caltech.edu/staff/ciardi/

Research Interests: Exoplanetary astrophysics including discovery and characterization with an aim towards trying to understand formation and evolution of exoplanets particularly in multi-stellar systems

Activities: Atmospheric Remote-sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large-surveyExoplanet Follow-up Observing ProgramKeck Observatory ArchiveNASA Exoplanet ArchiveNASA Exoplanet Science InstitutePeriodogramTransit Predictor ToolVera C. Rubin ObservatoryZwicky Transient Facility