

Advisory committees, with membership drawn from research community at-large, are regularly convened by IPAC to provide guidance to its projects.  We welcome the community to interact with committee members to share feedback on IPAC projects.

ENSCI User Panel

The ENSCI User Panel consisits of representives from a range of US institutions and research interests from the community that will use Euclid data, including both archival research and work by members of the Euclid Consortium (EC). At least once a year, the ENSCI User Panel meets to review and discuss ENSCI's objectives, recent achievements, and goals for the forthcoming year(s). The meeting also gives ENSCI staff an opportunity to elicit feedback on existing and proposed services to better understand how Euclid data will be used by the community.

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IRSA User Panel

The IRSA User Panel is a diverse panel of archive users from the astronomy and planetary sciences communities. It plays a critical role in defining IRSA's priorities. Every ~4 years, the panel provides inputs to the NASA Archive Review proposals that define IRSA's activities on 5 year timescales. Twice a year, IRSA invites the panel to review and discuss recent achievements, near-term goals, and changes from the 5 year plan. Once a year, the panel provides a written report with feedback on how the presented plans support IRSA's mission to maximize the science legacy of NASA mission data.

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KOA User Group

The KOA User Group meets at least once each year to discuss and review archive priorities, objectives and achievements. The group is drawn from members of the Keck community who are frequent observers with the Keck telescopes, and from the broader astronomical community.

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NASA Exoplanet Archive Users Group

The NASA Exoplanet Archive Users Group is made up of members of the exoplanet communty whose research interests and expertise cover a range of topics and observational methods. The role of the users group is to advise the NASA Exoplanet Science Institute in the content and functionality of the Exoplanet Archive with the goal of ensuring the Archive is scientifically relevant and makes best use of the available resources.

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NED Users Committee (NUC)

The NED Users Committee (NUC) is a group of professional astronomers representing the diverse community of scientists who use the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED) on a regular basis in their scientific research and teaching activities.

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NASA IRFT Keck User's Group (NIKUG)

NExScI facilitates the NASA IRTF Keck User's Group (NIKUG). The NIKUG reviews all aspects of the operations of the facility, including budgets, observing proposal review, visitor support, telescope performance, maintenance, instrumentation, operational procedures, scientific results, and future plans. The group meets twice a year and reports to NASA Headquarters.

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Past activity

  • SSC Oversight Committee (SSCOC) - Formed in 1998 and formally chartered to provide independent advice to the Spitzer Science Center, this group provided a high-level assessment of the strategic policies implemented by the SSC
  • Spitzer Science Users Panel (SUP) - Also formed in 1998 and formally chartered to provide independent advice to the Spitzer Science Center, this group provided the SSC with independent external advice on tactical and technical matters pertaining to matters affecting the Spitzer user community.
NASA Herschel Science Center User Panel (NUP)

Past activity

During the active phases of the Herschel project, the NASA Herschel Science Center User Panel provided independent external advice to the NHSC,  advised the NHSC on philosophy, approach and details of user interfaces,  assessed the quality of support and services offered by the NHSC to users,  and acted as an advocate for the US-based community in the context of NHSC planning and priority setting. 

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