
Exoplanet Research in the ASTRO2010 Decadal Survey

In preparation for the Decadal Survey, a workshop on Missions for Exoplanets: 2010 - 2020 will be held April 21-23, 2009 in Pasadena, CA. The purpose of the meeting "Missions for Exoplanets: 2010-2020" is to bring together the advocates of NASA-funded and independently developed concepts to present the science their mission promises to achieve, as well as the technical attributes, technology needs, and the strengths and risks of each proposed mission.

In addition to fostering communication within the community of scientists, technologists and mission developers, it is the intent of the ExEP to use the material presented at this meeting to inform the Program's planning for future technology development and future science investigation opportunities. The results of the meeting will be made available to the national Research Council's Decadal Review, Astro 2010.

Astro2010 Science White Papers