
42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly


The California Institute of Technology (Caltech), home of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), announces the 42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly which we are honored to host on behalf of COSPAR and the US National Academy of Sciences in beautiful Pasadena, California, on 14-22 July, 2018.

The scope of COSPAR comprises space studies of the Earth’s surface, meteorology and climate; space studies of the Earth-Moon system and other bodies of the solar system, including the search for evidence of life in the solar system; study of planetary atmospheres including those of the ever-expanding inventory of exoplanets; space plasmas in the solar system; research in astrophysics from space; life sciences as related to space; materials sciences in space; and fundamental physics in space.

Each biennial COSPAR Scientific Assembly is notable for the major new discoveries that are announced and discussed from across the large scientific landscape that is encompassed by COSPAR. With the recent and upcoming launches of so many exciting space missions, COSPAR 2018 will very likely set a new benchmark for ground-breaking results.

The celebration of the 60th anniversary of the creation of COSPAR, and of the launch of the US Explorer 1 Earth orbiting satellite, will add further luster to COSPAR 2018 as space science launches into its seventh decade. Pasadena’s location at the edge of the Pacific Rim, and within an hour by surface from several international airports, will assure large attendance not only from North America and Europe, but also from the Asian and other spacefaring nations.


Date: June 27th, 2018
Category: IPAC News
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