
Making the Case


"Making the Case" is a workshop to be held April 11-13, 2017 at IPAC in Pasadena, CA, USA.

This three-day workshop will provide Workforce, Education, Public Outreach and Communications (WEPOC) leaders from high energy physics and astronomy projects a candid forum for considering fundamental questions for large, international science projects:

  • What is the value of WEPOC to the projects and their communities?
  • How, when and where should WEPOC be defined, developed and implemented?
  • What are the barriers and challenges in developing strategic plans and programs?
  • How do you make the case of the value of WEPOC to the international leadership in these projects?

It is noteworthy and that while many of the high energy physics and science projects engage Communication and Outreach specialists as part of their team, their experience, access to leadership, specific roles and functions can be quite different. Each of these skilled professionals is finding solutions to project-specific problems, however they would benefit from a forum to share leadership-level lessons learned and create practical roadmaps for future large science projects involving international partners. This meeting seeks to make contributions toward this goal.

For more information and to apply to attend, see: http://conference.ipac.caltech.edu/wepoc2017

Date: April 11th - 13th, 2017
Location: KS 410
Category: Workshop