
TOI-431/HIP 26013: a super-Earth and a sub-Neptune transiting a bright, early K dwarf, with a third RV planet

October 2021 • 2021MNRAS.507.2782O

Authors • Osborn, Ares • Armstrong, David J. • Cale, Bryson • Brahm, Rafael • Wittenmyer, Robert A. • Dai, Fei • Crossfield, Ian J. M. • Bryant, Edward M. • Adibekyan, Vardan • Cloutier, Ryan • Collins, Karen A. • Delgado Mena, E. • Fridlund, Malcolm • Hellier, Coel • Howell, Steve B. • King, George W. • Lillo-Box, Jorge • Otegi, Jon • Sousa, S. • Stassun, Keivan G. • Matthews, Elisabeth C. • Ziegler, Carl • Ricker, George • Vanderspek, Roland • Latham, David W. • Seager, S. • Winn, Joshua N. • Jenkins, Jon M. • Acton, Jack S. • Addison, Brett C. • Anderson, David R. • Ballard, Sarah • Barrado, David • Barros, Susana C. C. • Batalha, Natalie • Bayliss, Daniel • Barclay, Thomas • Benneke, Björn • Berberian, John • Bouchy, Francois • Bowler, Brendan P. • Briceño, César • Burke, Christopher J. • Burleigh, Matthew R. • Casewell, Sarah L. • Ciardi, David • Collins, Kevin I. • Cooke, Benjamin F. • Demangeon, Olivier D. S. • Díaz, Rodrigo F. • Dorn, C. • Dragomir, Diana • Dressing, Courtney • Dumusque, Xavier • Espinoza, Néstor • Figueira, P. • Fulton, Benjamin • Furlan, E. • Gaidos, E. • Geneser, C. • Gill, Samuel • Goad, Michael R. • Gonzales, Erica J. • Gorjian, Varoujan • Günther, Maximilian N. • Helled, Ravit • Henderson, Beth A. • Henning, Thomas • Hogan, Aleisha • Hojjatpanah, Saeed • Horner, Jonathan • Howard, Andrew W. • Hoyer, Sergio • Huber, Dan • Isaacson, Howard • Jenkins, James S. • Jensen, Eric L. N. • Jordán, Andrés • Kane, Stephen R. • Kidwell, Richard C. • Kielkopf, John • Law, Nicholas • Lendl, Monika • Lund, M. • Matson, Rachel A. • Mann, Andrew W. • McCormac, James • Mengel, Matthew W. • Morales, Farisa Y. • Nielsen, Louise D. • Okumura, Jack • Osborn, Hugh P. • Petigura, Erik A. • Plavchan, Peter • Pollacco, Don • Quintana, Elisa V. • Raynard, Liam • Robertson, Paul • Rose, Mark E. • Roy, Arpita • Reefe, Michael • Santerne, Alexandre • Santos, Nuno C. • Sarkis, Paula • Schlieder, J. • Schwarz, Richard P. • Scott, Nicholas J. • Shporer, Avi • Smith, A. M. S. • Stibbard, C. • Stockdale, Chris • Strøm, Paul A. • Twicken, Joseph D. • Tan, Thiam-Guan • Tanner, A. • Teske, J. • Tilbrook, Rosanna H. • Tinney, C. G. • Udry, Stephane • Villaseñor, Jesus Noel • Vines, Jose I. • Wang, Sharon X. • Weiss, Lauren M. • West, Richard G. • Wheatley, Peter J. • Wright, Duncan J. • Zhang, Hui • Zohrabi, F.

Abstract • We present the bright (Vmag = 9.12), multiplanet system TOI-431, characterized with photometry and radial velocities (RVs). We estimate the stellar rotation period to be 30.5 ± 0.7 d using archival photometry and RVs. Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) objects of Interest (TOI)-431 b is a super-Earth with a period of 0.49 d, a radius of 1.28 ± 0.04 R, a mass of 3.07 ± 0.35 M, and a density of 8.0 ± 1.0 g cm-3; TOI-431 d is a sub-Neptune with a period of 12.46 d, a radius of 3.29 ± 0.09 R, a mass of $9.90^{+1.53}_{-1.49}$ M, and a density of 1.36 ± 0.25 g cm-3. We find a third planet, TOI-431 c, in the High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet Searcher RV data, but it is not seen to transit in the TESS light curves. It has an Msin i of $2.83^{+0.41}_{-0.34}$ M, and a period of 4.85 d. TOI-431 d likely has an extended atmosphere and is one of the most well-suited TESS discoveries for atmospheric characterization, while the super-Earth TOI-431 b may be a stripped core. These planets straddle the radius gap, presenting an interesting case-study for atmospheric evolution, and TOI-431 b is a prime TESS discovery for the study of rocky planet phase curves.


IPAC Authors


David Ciardi

Senior Scientist