
Molecular Excitation and Differential Gas-Phase Depletions in the IC 5146 Dark Cloud

August 2001 • 2001ApJ...557..209B

Authors • Bergin, Edwin A. • Ciardi, David R. • Lada, Charles J. • Alves, Joao • Lada, Elizabeth A.

Abstract • We present a combined near-infrared and molecular line study of a 25'×8' area in the northern streamer of the IC 5146 cloud. Using the technique pioneered by Lada and coworkers, we construct a Gaussian-smoothed map of the infrared extinction with the same resolution as the molecular line observations in order to examine correlations of integrated intensities and molecular abundances with extinction for C17O, C34S, and N2H+. We find that over a visual extinction range of 0-40 mag, there is good evidence for the presence of differential gas-phase depletions in the densest portions of IC 5146. Both CO and CS exhibit a statistically significant (factor of ~3) abundance reduction near AV~12 mag, while, in direct contrast, at the highest extinctions (AV>10 mag), N2H+ appears relatively undepleted. Moreover, for AV<4 mag, there exists little or no N2H+. This pattern of depletions is consistent with the predictions of chemical theory. Through the use of a time- and depth-dependent chemical model, we show that the near-uniform or rising N2H+ abundance with extinction is a direct result of a reduction in its destruction rate at high extinction because of the predicted and observed depletion of CO molecules. The observed abundance threshold for N2H+, AthV~4 mag, is examined in the context of this same model, and we demonstrate how this technique can be used to test the predictions of depth-dependent chemical models. Finally, we find that cloud density gradients can have a significant effect on the excitation and detectability of high dipole moment molecules, which are typically far from local thermodynamic equilibrium. Density gradients also cause chemical changes since reaction rates and depletion timescales are density-dependent. Accounting for such density/excitation gradients is crucial to a correct determination and proper interpretation of molecular abundances.


IPAC Authors


David Ciardi

Senior Scientist