
IPAC at Summer AAS 2021

The AAS Summer 2021 meeting was held virtually June 7-9, 2021. IPAC and NExScI staff and scientists gave webinars, demos in Zoom rooms, and chatted on dedicated Slack channels. There were also booths in the meeting's Exhibit Hall for IPAC and IPAC/NExScI Data Archives.
This page contains the schedule and links to webinars and demos of IPAC projects and science data archives, links to talks and posters from IPAC scientists, and other virtual resources for conference attendees. 

IPAC/NExScI Data Archives

AAS Slack: #exb_ipac_nexsci_data_archives

The IPAC/NExScI Data Archives had a booth in the Exhibit Hall where visitors could learn more about our archives:


IPAC Projects and Missions

AAS Slack: #exb_ipac

The IPAC booth in the Exhibit Hall provided information about our past, present and future missions and projects, including:


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Scheduled Webinars

These events generally consisted of a live or pre-recorded presentation followed by Q&A with the audience.


Monday, June 7


How Can the NASA Exoplanet Science Institute Help YOUR Research?
Dawn Gelino (Caltech/IPAC-NExScI)
Noon-12:30 pm EDT/9-9:30 am PDT
The NASA Exoplanet Science Institute (NExScI) supports the broad astrophysics and planetary science communities. Listen in to learn how NExScI can support YOUR research!
Do you need observational data?

Learn how to apply for 10-meter Keck telescope time and use the Keck Observatory Archive (KOA) to access all data acquired with these two telescopes since they began operations over 26 years ago. Also, find out about access to southern hemisphere telescopes for exoplanet follow-up observations.

Are you looking for a postdoc?

Learn how to apply for an NHFP, the premier NASA Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship.

Do you need to learn about or better understand precision radial velocities?

Join in to learn about interacting with the experts and getting hands-on data experience at this year's virtual Sagan Summer Workshop.

Are you interested in exoplanet data and tools?

Come learn about the NASA Exoplanet Archive, which gives you access to just about any type of exoplanet data you’d like, and contribute follow-up exoplanet observations to the Exoplanet Follow-up Observing Program (ExoFOP).

Have more questions?

Just ask or get in touch with our Help Desks!


How to Use Infrared Science Archive (IRSA) Tools

Luisa Rebull (Caltech/IPAC-IRSA)

1:30-2 pm EDT/10:30-11 am PDT 

IRSA has the data and tools to help you make your next scientific discovery! Come and learn how to use IRSA's tools and to see all our latest tools and features.


Updates to the NASA Exoplanet Archive

Julian van Eyken  (Caltech/IPAC-NExScI)

4-4:30 pm EDT/1-1:30 pm PDT    

The NASA Exoplanet Archive at the NASA Exoplanet Science Institute – Caltech/IPAC is excited to announce that changes to archive, which have been in the works for more than 1.5 years, have been rolled out.  Come learn about our new Planetary Systems tables and Overview pages, our new VO-compliant table access service, our tools, and all of our contributed datasets – all as part of an effort to better serve the exoplanet community.
The Legacy of the Spitzer Space Telescope and You 
Sean Carey (Caltech/IPAC)

4-4:30 pm EDT/1-1:30 pm PDT 

NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope ceased collecting science data in January 2020 after 16+ years of operations. We’ll show you to access the entire mission archive and resources that will help you use this rich dataset for your science.


Using the NEID Precision Radial Velocity Spectrograph

Sarah Logsdon (NOIRLab)

4:30-5 pm EDT/1:30-2 pm PDT

The NEID spectrograph on the WIYN 3.5m telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory has been recently commissioned and is available for general observer observations of approximately 37 nights per semester available through the NN-EXPLORE program.  NEID provides high resolution spectroscopy (R~60000-110000) from 380-930 nm capable of producing with radial velocities with precisions to 30 cm/s.  This webinar will describe how to apply for time, an overview of the capabilities of the instrument, what data products are available, and how to access them from the NEID archive at NExScI.

Tuesday, June 8


Public Engagement Opportunities with NASA’s Universe of Learning

4-4:30 pm EDT/1-1:30 pm PDT


NASA’s Universe of Learning creates resources and experiences for museums, libraries and science centers, such as AstroPix, Viewspace, Girls STEAM Ahead with NASA, and Science Briefings. They allow learners to explore the universe and how science is done, incorporating data and resources from across NASA Astrophysics. We rely on subject matter experts (like you!) to ensure that the science content presented in our products and programs are timely, accurate, and reflect science driving current research.
We are actively seeking subject matter expert volunteers from multiple institutions and missions across all of its projects. We have opportunities that span a range of time commitments and levels of direct and/or indirect engagement with audiences. They include:
  • Working with science centers/museums on their exhibits/programming.
  • Being interviewed.
  • Providing astrophysics content or content review.
  • Giving a presentation.
  • Facilitating a demonstration or activity.
This webinar will give an overview of NASA’s Universe of Learning, then show you how to become part of our subject matter expert database and be matched with programs that are looking for volunteers with your interests.



Wednesday, June 9


Science from the Stratosphere: What’s New with SOFIA 

 noon-12:30 pm EDT/9-9:30 am PDT

SOFIA’s mid- and far-infrared observations are uncovering new clues about the birth of stars and planets, our interstellar origins and the path to life, magnetic fields and the distant universe. Join SOFIA Mission Operations Director Margaret Meixner to learn about recent science results, current observing and funding opportunities, and planning for future instrumentation development.


New Content and Capabilities in the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database
Joseph Mazzarella (Caltech/IPAC-NED)
12:30-1 pm EDT/9:30-10 am PDT 
NED is a comprehensive database of multiwavelength data for extragalactic objects, providing a systematic, ongoing fusion of information integrated from hundreds of large sky surveys and tens of thousands of research publications. We will highlight recent updates to content and user interface capabilities.
US Archival Science with Euclid

Harry Teplitz (Caltech/IPAC-Euclid), Phil Appleton (Caltech/IPAC-Euclid), James Colbert (Caltech/IPAC-Euclid)

1-1:30 pm EDT/10-10:30 am PDT 

Euclid is an ESA mission, with NASA involvement, to study the nature and geometry of the dark universe, with launch planned in mid-2022. Euclid will survey the extragalactic sky, obtaining near-infrared and wide-band optical imaging, as well as NIR grism spectra. All Euclid data will be made public to the world-wide community within 2 years of acquisition. The Euclid NASA Science Center at IPAC (ENSCI; will support Euclid research by the US community. In this webinar, we will give an overview of the mission and the opportunity for US-based archival research.


Friday, June 4
Accessing NASA's Astrophysics Archives Using Python

Xiuqin Wu (Caltech/IPAC-NED), David Shupe (Caltech/IPAC),  

11 am-1 pm EDT/9-11 am PDT

NASA's Astrophysics Archives preserve many terabytes of multi-wavelength images, catalogs, and spectra. While many astronomers are familiar with the web tools that are convenient for searching and visualizing these data, programmatic interfaces through Python are increasingly in demand. This hands-on workshop will introduce participants to the programmatic data access tools available and the tutorial notebooks NAVO offers. We will describe science scenarios that combine multi-wavelength data from the HEASEARC, IRSA, NED, and MAST that participants will then be encouraged to work through themselves. Workshop organizers will be available to help participants with them or adapt them for custom projects.





Special Events 


Tuesday, June 8

Science Talk: Using Proper Motions from CatWISE2020 to Uncover New Objects in the Solar Neighborhood

Tarun Kota (Eastview High School), J. Davy Kirkpatrick (IPAC/Caltech), and Dan Caselden (Gigamon Applied Threat Research)
4:40pm EDT/1:40pm PDT
In an effort to complete the census of cold objects in the solar neighborhood, we have been searching for objects such as brown dwarfs, low mass stars, white dwarfs, etc. CatWISE2020 has improved upon the motion and infrared measurements of AllWISE by leveraging archival WISE and NEOWISE data collected from 2010 to 2016 at W1 and W2 (Marocco et al. 2020). The improved astrometric accuracy will lead to the discovery of previously unrecognized high motion objects in the solar neighborhood. Using candidate selection criteria outlined in Meisner et al. 2019, we made a list of high-proper motion objects and paired them up with their 2MASS counterparts. From this list, we present the discovery of a low mass star, a subdwarf, 4 white dwarfs, 2 Brown Dwarfs and one object of "an unknown type". Additional analysis into the contaminants reveal the discovery of 2 dust obscured galaxies. We also present additional follow up on other objects published elsewhere. These discoveries were found by making color-color diagrams of the motion candidates and then manually searching for interesting outliers. We are currently pairing our list of motion objects with UHS and VHS data which will allow us to go deeper with the color color diagrams and uncover a trove of interesting objects.

Wednesday, June 9

Press Conference for Using Proper Motions from CatWISE2020 to Uncover New Objects in the Solar Neighborhood

12:15pm EDT/9:15am PDT

(see science talk abstract, above)