
The Many-faceted Light Curves of Young Disk-bearing Stars in Taurus as Seen by K2

May 2022 • 2022AJ....163..212C

Authors • Cody, Ann Marie • Hillenbrand, Lynne A. • Rebull, Luisa M.

Abstract • We present a comprehensive study of the variability properties of young disk-bearing stars in the Taurus star-forming region, paralleling our previous investigation in ρ Oph and Upper Sco. A sample of 99 confirmed Taurus association members is placed in the diagnostic Q - M plane of flux asymmetry (M) and (Q), which guides our assignment of variability classes. We find a similar proportion of flux-symmetric variables in Taurus, but more bursters and fewer dippers relative to Upper Sco. The regions also differ in that the amplitudes for periodic and sources are larger in Taurus relative to the more evolved Upper Sco star/disk systems. The relationship between photometric variability patterns at optical wavelengths, which arise in the inner disk and at the stellar surface, are assessed relative to available disk inclination measurements.


IPAC Authors


Luisa Rebull

Senior Research Scientist