
HATS-50b through HATS-53b: Four Transiting Hot Jupiters Orbiting G-type Stars Discovered by the HATSouth Survey

February 2018 • 2018AJ....155...79H

Authors • Henning, Th. • Mancini, L. • Sarkis, P. • Bakos, G. Á. • Hartman, J. D. • Bayliss, D. • Bento, J. • Bhatti, W. • Brahm, R. • Ciceri, S. • Csubry, Z. • de Val-Borro, M. • Espinoza, N. • Fulton, B. J. • Howard, A. W. • Isaacson, H. T. • Jordán, A. • Marcy, G. W. • Penev, K. • Rabus, M. • Suc, V. • Tan, T. G. • Tinney, C. G. • Wright, D. J. • Zhou, G. • Durkan, S. • Lazar, J. • Papp, I. • Sari, P.

Abstract • We report the discovery of four close-in transiting exoplanets (HATS-50b through HATS-53b), discovered using the HATSouth three-continent network of homogeneous and automated telescopes. These new exoplanets belong to the class of hot Jupiters and orbit G-type dwarf stars, with brightness in the range V = 12.5-14.0 mag. While HATS-53 has many physical characteristics similar to the Sun, the other three stars appear to be metal-rich ([{Fe}/{{H}}]=0.2{--}0.3), larger, and more massive. Three of the new exoplanets, namely HATS-50b, HATS-51b, and HATS-53b, have low density (HATS-50b: 0.39+/- 0.10 {M}{{J}}, 1.130+/- 0.075 {R}{{J}}; HATS-51b: 0.768+/- 0.045 {M}{{J}}, 1.41+/- 0.19 {R}{{J}}; HATS-53b: 0.595+/- 0.089 {M}{{J}}, 1.340+/- 0.056 {R}{{J}}) and similar orbital periods (3.8297 days, 3.3489 days, 3.8538 days, respectively). Instead, HATS-52b is more dense (mass 2.24+/- 0.15 {M}{{J}} and radius 1.382+/- 0.086 {R}{{J}}) and has a shorter orbital period (1.3667 days). It also receives an intensive radiation from its parent star and, consequently, presents a high equilibrium temperature ({T}{eq}=1834+/- 73 K). HATS-50 shows a marginal additional transit feature consistent with an ultra-short-period hot super Neptune (upper mass limit 0.16 {M}{{J}}), which will be able to be confirmed with TESS photometry.

The HATSouth network is operated by a collaboration consisting of Princeton University (PU), the Max Planck Institute für Astronomie (MPIA), the Australian National University (ANU), and the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC). The station at Las Campanas Observatory (LCO) of the Carnegie Institute is operated by PU in conjunction with PUC, the station at the High Energy Spectroscopic Survey (H.E.S.S.) site is operated in conjunction with MPIA, and the station at Siding Spring Observatory (SSO) is operated jointly with ANU. Based in part on observations made with the ESO 3.6 m, the NTT, the MPG 2.2 m and Euler 1.2 m Telescopes at the ESO Observatory in La Silla. Based in part on observations made with the 3.9 m Anglo-Australian Telescope and the ANU 2.3 m Telescope, both at SSO. Based in part on observations made with the Keck I Telescope at Mauna Kea Observatory in Hawaii. Based in part on observations obtained with the facilities of the Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope and with the Perth Exoplanet Survey Telescope.


IPAC Authors


Benjamin Fulton

Assistant Scientist