
No disk needed around HD 199143 B

October 2002 • 2002A&A...394..219C

Authors • Chauvin, G. • Fusco, T. • Lagrange, A. -M. • Mouillet, D. • Beuzit, J. -L. • Thomson, M. • Augereau, J. -C. • Marchis, F. • Dumas, C. • Lowrance, P.

Abstract • We present new, high angular resolution images of HD 199143 in the Capricornus association, obtained with the adaptive optics system ADONIS+SHARPII at the ESO 3.6 m Telescope of La Silla Observatory. HD 199143 and its neighbour star HD 358623 (separation ~ 5' away) have previously been imaged with adaptive optics. For each star, a companion has been detected in the J and K bands at respective separations of 1.1'' and 2.2'' (Jayawardhana & Brandeker \cite{Jayawardhana2001}). Our new photometry of HD 199143 B suggests that it is a M2 star and that the presence of circumstellar dust proposed by van den Ancker et al. (\cite{Van den Ancker2000}) is no longer necessary. We show that the 12 mu m flux detected by IRAS previously interpreted as an IR excess, can be explained by the presence of the late-type companion.


IPAC Authors


Patrick Lowrance

Senior Scientist