
RXTE, ROSAT, EUVE, IUE, and Optical Observations through the 45 Day Supercycle of V1159 Orionis

August 1999 • 1999ApJ...521..362S

Authors • Szkody, Paula • Linnell, A. • Honeycutt, Kent • Robertson, Jeff • Silber, Andrew • Hoard, D. W. • Pastwick, L. • Desai, V. • Hubeny, Ivan • Cannizzo, John • Liller, William • Zissell, Ronald • Walker, Gary

Abstract • A complete 45 day supercycle of the cataclysmic variable V1159 Ori comprising a superoutburst and eight normal outbursts was observed. Coverage included ground-based optical observations as well as observations with RXTE for 38 days, ROSAT for 34 days, IUE for 27 days, and Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE) for 10 days. The resulting light curves reveal that the optical and UV light variations are inversely correlated with the RXTE and ROSAT fluxes, with the largest change in intensity occurring in the ROSAT bandpass. There is no evidence for a strong EUV/soft X-ray component during outburst. An outflowing wind is evident from the C IV line profile during each brief outburst as well as the superoutburst. The transitions from outburst states of the disk to quiescent states take place on timescales of hours. Accretion disk models can fit the UV line and continuum energy distributions near outburst only if the disk radial temperature profile is modified from the standard case to produce a hotter distribution in the outer annuli. The high mass transfer rate, the hot disk distribution, and the similarity of outbursts and superoutbursts argue for outside-in outbursts in this system.


IPAC Authors

Vandana Desai

Senior Scientist