
Globular Clusters with Tidal Tails: Deep Two-Color Star Counts

June 1995 • 1995AJ....109.2553G

Authors • Grillmair, Carl J. • Freeman, K. C. • Irwin, M. • Quinn, P. J.

Abstract • We examine the outer structure of 12 Galactic globular clusters using star-count analyses. Deep, two-color, photographic photometry is used to select and count stars with colors and magnitudes consistent with cluster-specific, color-magnitude sequences. The resulting reduction in the number of contaminating foreground stars allows us to push the star counts to significantly lower surface densities than has previously been possible. We find that most of our sample clusters show extra-tidal wings in their surface density profiles. The form of the surface density profiles is consistent with recent numerical studies of the tidal stripping of globular clusters. Two-dimensional surface density maps for several clusters are consistent with the expected appearance of tidal tails, with an allowance for the effects of orbit shape, orbital phase, and orientation of our line of sight. We identify the extra-tidal material with stars which are still in the process of being removed from the clusters. The extra-tidal stars effectively limit the accuracy to which we can resolve the "tidal" radii of globular clusters. However, by tracing the orbital paths of their parent clusters, these stars may also facilitate a renewed attack on the problem of determining globular cluster orbits and the shape of the Galactic potential field.


IPAC Authors


Carl Grillmair

Associate Scientist