
A Physical Model of the Infrared-to-Radio Correlation in Galaxies

September 1993 • 1993ApJ...415...93H

Authors • Helou, G. • Bicay, M. D.

Abstract • We explore the implications of the infrared-radio correlation in star- forming galaxies, using a simple physical model constrained by the constant global ratio q of infrared to radio emission and by the radial falloff of this ratio in disks of galaxies. The modeling takes into account the diffusion, radiative decay, and escape of cosmic-ray electrons responsible for the synchrotron emission, and the full range of optical depths to dust-heating photons (τ < 1 to τ >> 1). We introduce two assumptions: that dust-heating photons and radio-emitting cosmic-ray electrons are created in constant proportion to each other as part of the star formation activity, and that gas and magnetic field are well coupled locally, expressed as B is proportional to nbeta^, with 1/3 <= β <= 2/3. We conclude that disk galaxies would maintain the observed constant ratio q under these assumptions if the disk scale height h_0_ and the escape scale length l_esc_ for cosmic-ray electrons followed a relation of the form l_esc_ is proportional to h_0_^1/2^; the infrared-to-radio ratio will then depend very weakly on interstellar density, and therefore magnetic field strength or mean optical depth. Scale heights for each phase of the interstellar medium (ISM) are observed to vary little among disk galaxies, while a scaling like l_esc_ is proportional to h_0_^1/2^ can be reasonably expected to apply to the disks associated with the various phases of the ISM. In support of this expectation, we propose a specific confinement scheme for cosmic-ray electrons which is consistent with the physical model, and has an escape scale length practically independent of density, but scaling with h_0_. While more subtle effects may enter the picture and in the end determine the behavior of q, this treatment identifies the various terms that should contribute to the scatter in q in a simple physical picture.


IPAC Authors

George Helou

IPAC Executive Director