
Figure of merit for dark energy constraints from current observational data

June 2008 • 2008PhRvD..77l3525W

Authors • Wang, Yun

Abstract • In order to make useful comparisons of different dark energy experiments, it is important to choose the appropriate figure of merit (FoM) for dark energy constraints. Here we show that for a set of dark energy parameters {fi}, it is most intuitive to define FoM=1/det⁡Cov(f1,f2,f3,…), where Cov(f1,f2,f3,…) is the covariance matrix of {fi}. In order for this FoM to represent the dark energy constraints in an optimal manner, the dark energy parameters {fi} should have clear physical meaning and be minimally correlated. We demonstrate two useful choices of {fi} using 182 SNe Ia (from the HST/GOODS program, the first year Supernova Legacy Survey, and nearby SN Ia surveys), [R(z*),la(z*),Ωbh2] from the five year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe observations, and Sloan Digital Sky Survey measurement of the baryon acoustic oscillation scale, assuming the Hubble Space Telescope prior of H0=72±8(km/s)Mpc-1, and without assuming spatial flatness. We find that for a dark energy equation of state linear in the cosmic scale factor a, the correlation of (w0,w0.5) [w0=wX(z=0), w0.5=wX(z=0.5), with wX(a)=3w0.5-2w0+3(w0-w0.5)a] is significantly smaller than that of (w0,wa) [with wX(a)=w0+(1-a)wa]. In order to obtain model-independent constraints on dark energy, we parametrize the dark energy density function X(z)=ρX(z)/ρX(0) as a free function with X0.5, X1.0, and X1.5 [values of X(z) at z=0.5, 1.0, and 1.5] as free parameters estimated from data. If one assumes a linear dark energy equation of state, current observational data are consistent with a cosmological constant at 68% C.L. If one assumes X(z) to be a free function parametrized by (X0.5,X1.0,X1.5), current data deviate from a cosmological constant at z=1 at 68% C.L., but are consistent with a cosmological constant at 95% C.L. Future dark energy experiments will allow us to dramatically increase the FoM of constraints on (w0,w0.5), and of (X0.5,X1.0,X1.5). This will significantly shrink the dark energy parameter space to either enable the discovery of dark energy evolution, or the conclusive evidence for a cosmological constant.


IPAC Authors


Yun Wang

Senior Scientist