
Yun Wang


Title: Senior Scientist

Office Address: Morrisroe Astroscience Laboratory

Office Phone: 626-395-1415

Mail Code: MC 314-6

Email (@ipac.caltech.edu): wang

Website: http://web.ipac.caltech.edu/staff/wang/

Research Interests: I have worked on a broad range of topics in cosmology, ranging from inflationary physics, strong gravitational lensing, halo substructure of dark matter, the measurement of cosmological parameters, etc, to probing the nature of dark energy. My work on dark energy has ranged from mission concept, survey strategy, optimal data analysis, to the modeling of systematic effects. My main current focus is using data from galaxy redshift surveys to probe dark energy and test gravity theories. I am the Deputy Lead of the Euclid Galaxy Clustering Science Working Group, and the BAO/RSD Science Investigation Topic Lead for WFIRST.

Activities: Euclid NASA Science Center at IPACNancy Grace Roman Space TelescopeVera C. Rubin Observatory