Recommendations, Hints, Guide-Lines and Pitfalls

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The ISOCAM dark current shows both short-term (on scale of hours) and long-term (on scale of months) drifts in amplitude. Additionally, the folks at VILSPA have modeled the dark current as a function of detector temperature. The best dark frames to use are, hence, those which account for these drifts. We recommend using the 'model' or 'vilspa' option in the CIA procedure corr_dark. The 'model' option computes the dark as a function of long- and short term drift. The 'vilspa' option additionally implements a second order long- and short term drift and a temperature dependent correction.

The CAM dark current shows a distinct ``pin-stripe'' pattern. The pattern should disappear after dark correction. The persistence of this pattern means an inaccurate dark correction. This happens mainly at the beginning of a revolution.

Recommended reading:

Expected time commitment: ~few seconds.

[CIA and ISOCAM software page at IPAC]

[ISOCAM home at IPAC]