PAH Evolution from Clouds to Disks around Low-mass YSOs

First Author:
Vincent Geers
Email: vcgeers AT
University of Toronto
50 St. George Street
Toronto, M5S 3H4, Canada
van Dishoeck, E.F., Leiden Observatory
Pontoppidan, K.M., GPS Caltech
Augereau, J.-C., Grenoble Observatory (LAOG)
Dullemond, C.P., MPIA
Visser, R., Leiden Observatory
Lahuis, F., SRON
Blake, G.A., GPS Caltech
Evans, II, N., UT Austin

We present a sensitive mid-infrared spectroscopic survey of PAH features toward a sample of low-mass T Tauri stars and embedded young stellar objects, observed both as part of our Spitzer Legacy program "From Molecular Cores to Planet-Forming Disks" (c2d) and through programs with VLT-ISAAC, VISIR, NACO. The features are interpreted with radiative transfer modeling and discussed in the context of the disk structure, envelope mass, stellar radiation field and PAH abundances.

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