X-ray and Infrared Observations of the IC 5146 Dark Cloud and the FU Orionis Star Elias 1-12

First Author:
Steve Skinner
Email: skinners AT origins.colorado.edu
Univ. of Colorado
Boulder, CO 80309 USA
Sokal, Kimberly, Univ. of Colorado
Guedel, Manuel, ETH Zurich, Switz.
Briggs, Kevin, ETH Zurich, Switz.

The bright B1V star BD +46 3474 illuminates the Cocoon Nebula (IC 5146). At least 100 faint T Tauri stars are clustered around BD +46 3474 with a median age of about 1 Myr. A region of high obscuration known as the IC 5146 dark cloud extends more than 2 degrees westward of the B1V star. Spitzer has detected more than 100 IR-excess YSOs in the cloud and sub-mm studies have revealed dense cores that may be prestellar. We present results of an XMM-Newton X-ray observation of the dark cloud centered on the young accreting FU Ori-type star Elias 1-12 (V1735 Cyg). Its X-ray emission is much harder than expected for an accretion shock and other processes besides accretion must underlie its X-ray production. We also report the detection of a heavily-absorbed X-ray source lying 24 arcsecs northeast of Elias 1-12 that is identified as a class I protostar on the basis of Spitzer data.

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