Rotational Line Emission from Water in Protoplanetary Disks

First Author:
Rowin Meijerink
Email: rowin AT
UC Berkeley/Caltech
173A South Mudd Laboratory
MC 151-21, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA
Poelman, Dieter, St. Andrews
Spaans, Marco, Kapteyn Astronomical Institute
Tielens, Xander, NASA Ames Research Center
Glassgold, Al, UC Berkeley


Circumstellar disks provide the material reservoir for the growth of young stars and for planet formation. We combine a high-level radiative transfer program with a thermal-chemical model of a typical T Tauri star disk to investigate the diagnostic potential of the far-infrared lines of water for probing disk structure. We discuss the observability of pure rotational H2O lines with the Herschel Space Observatory, specifically the residual gas where water is mainly frozen out.
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