M Dwarf Debris Disks

First Author:
Peter Plavchan
Email: plavchan AT ipac.caltech.edu
770 S Wilson Ave, M/C 100-22
Pasadena, CA 91125
Bryden, Geoff, JPL/NExScI/Caltech
Stapelfeldt, Karl, JPL
Werner, Michael, JPL
Rieke, George, University of Arizona
Lowrance, Patrick, IPAC/Caltech


Among the numerous M dwarfs sampled by Spitzer in the nearest 25 pc, AU Mic remains a unique M dwarf with its debris disk, infrared excess, 12 Myr age, flaring, and X-ray activity. We present preliminary results from 24 micron and 70 micron MIPS (Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer) observations of 22 X-ray saturated M dwarfs like AU Mic out to a median distance of 32 pc. From these initial observations, we have discovered 3 new M dwarf debris disks identifiable from their infrared flux excess. We place our results in context with a sample of 70 A through M-type dwarfs selected with common youth indicators such as lithium abundance, moving group membership, chromospheric activity, and rapid rotation.
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