Disks around Young Brown Dwarfs

First Author:
Lucia Adame
Email: adamel AT astroscu.unam.mx
Instituto de Astronomia, UNAM
Apartado Postal 70 - 264, Ciudad Universitaria
Mexico, D.F., CP 04510, Mexico
D'Alessio, Paola, Centro de Radioastronomia y Astrofisica, UNAM
Calvet, Nuria, University of Michigan

We modify the computational codes developed by D'Alessio and colaborators to obtain the IRAC synthetic colors for young brown dwarfs with disks in Taurus. A set of models, ranging several mass accretion rates, substellar effective temperature, and alpha-viscosity parameter, are constructed; with that, and using previously published IRAC data, we study the innermost region of the circunsubstellar accretion disks in the Taurus region. The median SED of Taurus for stellar/substellar objects with spectral types between M6 and M9 is obtained.

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