A Search for Debris Disks Based on AKARI Mid-infrared All-sky Survey

First Author:
Hideaki Fujiwara
Email: fujiwara AT astron.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp
University of Tokyo
7-3-1 Hongo
Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan


After the IRAS observations, main-sequence stars that have circumstellar debris disks and thus show infrared excess have been discovered. Since debris disks are thought to be the final stage of planet formation, it is very important to property and evolution of debris disks statistically. AKARI is the first Japanese infrared astronomical satellite dedicated for infrared astronomy. The mid-infrared survey was carried out with the 9 micron and 18 micron bands using the Infrared Camera (IRC) with higher sensitivity and spatial resolution than IRAS. We are carrying on the unbiased survey of debris disk candidates that show mid-infrared excess by using the AKARI/IRC mid-infrared all-sky survey data. So far, we have identified a number of new debris disk candidates that show large 18 micron excess. In this presentation, we will show the initial results of the debris disk survey.