Spatially resolved 4.7 micron CO fundamental emission in two protoplanetary disks

First Author:
G. vanderPlas
Email: g.vanderplas AT
University of Amsterdam
Kruislaan 403
Amsterdam, 1098 SJ, The Netherlands
van den Ancker, M.E., ESO Garching
Acke, B., KU Leuven
Carmona, A., Observatoire de Geneve
Dominik, C., University of Amsterdam
Fedele, D., MPIA Heidelberg
Waters, L.B.F.M., University of Amsterdam

We present high-spectral-resolution 4.6-5.1 um spectra of HD 100546 and HD 97048 containing fundamental CO emission taken with the CRIRES on the VLT. We resolve, spectrally and spatially, the emission of the 13CO v(1-0) vibrational band and the 12CO v(1-0), v(2-1), v(3-2) and v(4-3) vibrational bands in both targets, as well as the 12CO v(5-4) band in HD 100546. Using these data, we constrain the emitting regions in two independent ways. First by modeling the kinematics of the spectral line profiles, and secondly using astrometry.
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