Binaries Among Debris Disk Stars: IRAS vs Spitzer

First Author:
David Rodriguez
Email: drodrigu AT
Physics and Astronomy Building, 430 Portola Plaza, Box 951547
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1547
Zuckerman, Ben, UCLA


We have gathered a sample of 112 main-sequence stars (ages older than 10 Myr) with known infrared excesses. Our sample includes stars within 100 pc and ranges from spectral types B8 to K2, though most (89) are A or F stars. Most of these excesses were discovered with IRAS and many have been confirmed with MIPS on Spitzer. We are collecting published information and making our own measurements on these stars to determine if they are binaries or multiple star systems. With this we will obtain a measure of how often binary stars contain debris disks and determine whether properties such as the average dust temperature or L(IR)/L(star) are sensitive to the presence of companions. This work will be compared with the Trilling et al. (2007 ApJ, 658, 1289) Spitzer-based study of debris disks in main-sequence binary systems.
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