DUNES: DUst disks around NEarby Stars

First Author:
Carlos Eiroa
Email: carlos.eiroa AT uam.es
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
28049 Madrid, Spain


DUNES is a sensitivity-limited Herschel Key Programme that aims at finding and characterizing faint exo-solar analogues to the Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt in an unbiased, statistical sample of nearby FGK main-sequence stars. Our sample is volume-limited (distances ≤ 20 pc) and spans a broad range of stellar ages - from ~0.1 to ~10 Gyr. All stars with known extrasolar planets within that distance are included; additionaly, some M- and A-type stars will be observed in colaboration with the DEBRIS Herschel OTKP, so that the whole sample covers a decade in stellar mass from 0.2 to 2 solar masses.
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