Evolving Debris Disks: Connecting Extrasolar Disk Observations to those of the Solar System.

First Author:
Andrew Shannon
Email: shannon AT astro.utoronto.ca
University of Toronto
50 St. George Street Room 101
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 3H4
Wu, Yanqin, University of Toronto

We model debris disk evolution and compare to observed systems to probe the primordial size distribution of medium-sized planetesimals. Evolutionary models of debris disks tend to produce similar luminosities for plausible initial number-size distributions, however, the differing rates of evolution allow access to the number-size distribution by modeling the population evolution. Using a simple model with reasonable assumptions and the available relevant dataset, we find that medium-size bodies (~100 m - ~100 km) appear to fit a differential power law distribution with a slope between -3.5 and -4.0.
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