Polarization observation

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Polarization observation


To make the polarization map of a field, the three polarizers 120 degrees apart, and the free hole of the entrance wheel are used with the same number of exposures for each.

For each configuration of the camera (Channel, PFOV, filter or CVF , ), the system takes first exposures on the free hole. Then it does cycles of measurements on the polarizers. A cycle consists of a set of three images, one on each polarizer, with 12 exposures per image.

must be 4. Splitting the observation in a number of cycles performs a `polarization modulation' which may be beneficial if is large in order to discriminate polarization effects from long term drifts.

If required is 48, then is forced to 48, and = 4.

If required is > 48, then = int(), and is set to 12

Beam-switching, CVF scan, raster scan and FLASH-MODE SW observations are not supported in polarized observations.

The total observation time is:

which are described in sections gif, gif and gif.

ISOCAM Observer's Manual - V1.0
Tue Oct 31 12:06:23 MET 1995