Identifier fluxcon Purpose Does flux conversion for the in_spd. Synopsis out_spd = fluxcon( in_spd [, CAL13=cal13] [,/noclearbuffer] [,phottable=phottable] [,/fortran] Arguments Name I/O Type: Description: ----------------------------------------------------------- out_spd O struct Name of output SPD in IDL format in_spd I struct Name of input SPD in IDL format cal13 I string Selected calfile 13 If this is not supplied calfile 13 from the default calfile directory is used. /noclearbuffer I -- Do not clear the calfile buffer before setting any optional alternative calibration calfile phottable I string name of TA file /fortran I key use fortran version Returns an SPD struct. Description This procedure does flux conversion by calling the appropriate routine(s) of the pipeline. The resulting SPD is returned. If the /noclearbuffer option is not given, the calfile buffer will be cleared upon entering FLUXCON thus ensuring that the default set of calibration files will be used even in those cases where no calxx parameter is used. Comment TA part not yet activated within IA Example spd2 = fluxconv(spd1) Category AA Filename (module: ias_fluxcon) Author G.Bex (GB) Version 2.2 History 1.0 11-07-94 GB Description + implementation 1.1 23-09-94 DRB Flexible calfile access implemented 1.2 03-10-94 DRB Always clear the calbuffer unless told otherwise with /noclearbuffer 1.3 10-03-95 HB Unified Arguments 12-04-95 HB Unified header 1.4 21-11-96 BV Timedependent calfile access 2.0 03-12-97 EkW call IDL pipeline program 2.1 20-01-98 EkW activate TA (SPR_S0314) 2.2 23-01-98 EkW activate calfile selection by keyword