LWS Detector Saturation Limits

For the detectors in grating mode the saturation limits are as follows:
SW1     122000 Jy         47 microns
SW2      55700 "          57    "
SW3      54000 "          67    "
SW4      73600 "          77    "
SW5      10200 "          86    "
LW1      29600 "         105    "
LW2       8100 "         125    "
LW3       3400 "         144    "
LW4       7900 "         165    "
LW5      10800 "         180    "

FP limits are about a factor of 100 higher. The LWS PI has stated that these numbers should not be taken as definitive because the definition of "saturation" is somewhat arbitrary and could change in the light of experience with data-processing. He believes that only solar system observers should be concerned about them and they should use them only with expert guidance (MB & P. Clegg).

When the saturation is approached, the linear ramps become non-linear and only the linear portions are considered. Thus, the result of near-saturationis not a loss of calibration but a loss of data and thus S/N.