LWS01 (Medium Resolution Wavelength Range Scan)

o RASTER: Y or N, indicating if a map will be made. Y produces a pop-up for
the map parameters.

Raster Map Parameters: A map has N Map Lines (sometimes called Rasters or
Raster Legs). In each Map Line there are M points. The relevant parameters

     o Number of Points M 	o Number of Points N
     o Step Size in M		o Step Size in N
     o Reference Frame		o Orientation Angle (0-180)

When Reference Frame=N, the Orientation angle is the standard astronomical
Position Angle, measured CCW to the East from celestial North. When
Reference Frame=Y, Orientation angle=0 and Map Lines are fixed along the
ISO telescope Y-axis. The spacing of points along these Map lines is the
"Step Size in M" in arcseconds. The spacing between the Map Lines is the
"Step Size in N" in arcseconds.

o Wavelength Range Start and End in Microns: (between 43.0 - 196.7 um)

o Spectral Sampling Interval: The number of spectral samples per spectral
resolution element. (1, 2, 4, or 8). (4 are recommended)

* Fast scans: Y or N. Always answer YES.  
Fast Scanning should alway be used. See notes on 
Fast Scanning. 

Exposure information must be given for 1 to 10 wavelengths inside the
wavelength range. The exposure requiring the longest integration time per
spectral sample will determine the total time required. Exposure

o Reference Wavelength: (a wavelength within the range).

o Continuum Flux: (Jy) at the reference wavelength.

o Integrated Line Flux: (in units of 10^(-17) W/m^2)

o Line Width (in um) (set to 0 if the line is unresolved, which is always
true when the line width is less than 900 km/s).

o S/N  This is the signal to noise where the "signal" includes the line and
continuum flux. If S/N[line] is the desired signal to noise on the line,
then S/N = S/N[line] x (C+L)/L, where L and C are the line and continuum
fluxes within the resolution element.

o Int. time/step: This is the fixed integration time per spectral step
(sample). (This may be left zero; only one of the above two parameters must

If questions, contact: iso@ipac.caltech.edu, or Steve Lord,