Atomic Lines

Here is an atomic line list kindly provided by Dieter Lutz (ISO SWS IDT, MPE, Garching) and Sean Colgan (NASA/ARC) which you may find useful for planning your ISO observations. Additional references and notes were provided by Mike Haas (NASA/ARC).

NOTE: This is NOT the final line database that will be used for calibration of the ISO spectrometers. That information will be made available if and when it becomes public.

  species  transition    lambda    error    ep     ip      reference  notes
  -------- -----------   --------- -------- ------ ------  ---------  -----
  [SiVI]   2P1/2-2P3/2    1.963410 .000100  166.77 205.05                  
  [SiVII]  3P1-3P2        2.483340 .000100  205.05 246.52
  [SiIX]   3P2-3P1        2.584600 .000500  303.17 351.10
  [AlV]    2P1/2-2P3/2    2.905000 .002000  120.00 153.83
  [CoII]   a5F5-a3F4      2.984600 .000100    7.86  17.08
  [MgVIII] 2P3/2-2P1/2    3.027950 .000250  224.95 265.96
  [NiI]    a1D2-a3D3      3.120000 .000100    0.00   7.64
  [KVII]   2P3/2-2P1/2    3.190800 .001000   99.40 117.56
  [CaIV]   2P1/2-2P3/2    3.207000 .001000   50.91  67.27
  [AlVI]   3P1-3P2        3.660000 .001000  153.83 190.48
  [AlVIII] 3P2-3P1        3.690000 .014000  241.44 284.60
  [SiIX]   3P1-3P0        3.935700 .000400  303.17 351.10
  [NiI]    a1D2-a3D2      3.952400 .000100    0.00   7.64
  [FeII]   a4F5/2-a6D7/2  4.076400 .000100    7.90  16.19
  [FeII]   a4F3/2-a6D5/2  4.082000 .000100    7.90  16.19
  [CaVII]  3P2-3P1        4.087000 .005000  108.78 127.20
  [FeII]   a4F7/2-a6D9/2  4.115100 .000100    7.90  16.19
  [CaV]    3P1-3P2        4.158500 .001700   67.27  84.50
  [FeII]   a4F3/2-a6D3/2  4.434900 .000100    7.90  16.19
  [MgIV]   2P1/2-2P3/2    4.488000 .004000   80.14 109.24
  [ArVI]   2P3/2-2P1/2    4.528000 .005000   75.02  91.01
  [FeII]   a4F5/2-a6D5/2  4.607700 .000100    7.90  16.19
  [KIII]   2P1/2-2P3/2    4.616600 .002100   31.63  45.80
  [FeII]   a4F3/2-a6D1/2  4.672000 .000100    7.90  16.19
  [NaVII]  2P3/2-2P1/2    4.675000 .022000  172.15 208.44
  [FeII]   a4F7/2-a6D7/2  4.889200 .000100    7.90  16.19
  [FeII]   a4F5/2-a6D3/2  5.062400 .000100    7.90  16.19
  [FeII]   a4F9/2-a6D9/2  5.340300 .000100    7.90  16.19
  [MgVII]  3P2-3P1        5.500000 .030000  186.51 224.95
  [KVI]    3P2-3P1        5.575000 .004000   82.66  99.40
  [MgV]    3P1-3P2        5.608000 .006000  109.24 141.27
  [FeII]   a4F7/2-a6D5/2  5.674000 .000100    7.90  16.19
  [AlVIII] 3P1-3P0        5.850000 .040000  241.44 284.60
  [NiI]    a1D2-a3D1      5.893300 .000100    0.00   7.64
  [KIV]    3P1-3P2        5.983000 .004000   45.80  60.91
  [CaVII]  3P1-3P0        6.154000 .008000  108.78 127.20
  [SiVII]  3P0-3P1        6.515000 .018000  205.05 246.52
  [NiII]   2D3/2-2D5/2    6.636000 .000300    7.64  18.17
  [ClV]    2P3/2-2P1/2    6.704000 .009000   53.46  67.82
  [FeII]   a4F9/2-a6D7/2  6.721400 .000100    7.90  16.19
  [ArII]   2P1/2-2P3/2    6.985274 .000003   15.76  27.63
  [NaIII]  2P1/2-2P3/2    7.319000 .005000   47.29  71.62
  [NiI]    a3F3-a3F4      7.506700 .000200    0.00   7.64
  [NeVI]   2P3/2-2P1/2    7.642000 .006000  126.21 157.93
  [ArV]    3P2-3P1        7.899000 .006000   59.81  75.02
  [NaVI]   3P2-3P1        8.610000 .090000  138.39 172.15
  [KVI]    3P1-3P0        8.823000 .008000   82.66  99.40
  [ArIII]  3P1-3P2        8.991030 .000080   27.63  40.74
  [MgVII]  3P1-3P0        9.030000 .080000  186.51 224.95
  [NaIV]   3P1-3P2        9.048000 .005000   71.62  98.91
  [AlVI]   3P0-3P1        9.116000 .008000  153.83 190.48
  [SIV]    2P3/2-2P1/2   10.510500 .000100   34.79  47.22
  [CoII]   a3F3-a3F4     10.521000 .001000    7.86  17.08
  [NiII]   4F7/2-4F9/2   10.682200 .000800    7.64  18.17
  [NiI]    a3F2-a3F3     11.307500 .000200    0.00   7.64
  [ClI]    2P1/2-2P3/2   11.333347 .000015    0.00  12.97
  [CaV]    3P0-3P1       11.482000 .019000   67.27  84.50
  [ClIV]   3P2-3P1       11.741000 .007000   39.61  53.46
  [CoIII]  a4F7/2-a4F9/2 11.890000 .010000   17.08  33.50
  [NiI]    a3D1-a3D2     12.001000 .000300    0.00   7.64
  [CoI]    a4F7/2-a4F9/2 12.255000 .002000    0.00   7.86
  [NiII]   4F5/2-4F7/2   12.728800 .001200    7.64  18.17
  [NeII]   2P1/2-2P3/2   12.813550 .000020   21.56  40.96
  [ArV]    3P1-3P0       13.100000 .020000   59.81  75.02
  [FV]     2P3/2-2P1/2   13.432000 .009000   87.14 114.24
  [MgV]    3P0-3P1       13.540000 .040000  109.24 141.27
  [NeV]    3P2-3P1       14.320000 .030000   97.12 126.21
  [NaVI]   3P1-3P0       14.330000 .200000  138.39 172.15
  [ClII]   3P1-3P2       14.367800 .000800   12.97  23.81
  [CoII]   a5F4-a5F5     14.740000 .002000    7.86  17.08
  [NiI]    a3D2-a3D3     14.814200 .000300    0.00   7.64
  [CoI]    b4F7/2-b4F9/2 15.155000 .002000    0.00   7.86
  [KIV]    3P0-3P1       15.390000 .030000   45.80  60.91
  [CoII]   a3F2-a3F3     15.460000 .002000    7.86  17.08
  [NeIII]  3P1-3P2       15.555000 .005000   40.96  63.45
  [CoIII]  a4F5/2-a4F7/2 16.390000 .030000   17.08  33.50
  [CoI]    a4F5/2-a4F7/2 16.925000 .003000    0.00   7.86
  [PIII]   2P3/2-2P1/2   17.885000 .005000   19.77  30.20
  [FeII]   a4F7/2-a4F9/2 17.936300 .001000    7.90  16.19
  [NiII]   4F3/2-4F5/2   18.240500 .002000    7.64  18.17
  [CoI]    b4F5/2-b4F7/2 18.264000 .003000    0.00   7.86
  [SIII]   3P2-3P1       18.712900 .000400   23.34  34.79     5
  [CoII]   a5F3-a5F4     18.804000 .004000    7.86  17.08
  [ClIV]   3P1-3P0       20.354000 .021000   39.61  53.46
  [NaIV]   3P0-3P1       21.290000 .060000   71.62  98.91
  [ArIII]  3P0-3P1       21.842000 .006000   27.63  40.74
  [FeIII]  5D3-5D4       22.930000 .030000   16.19  30.65
  [FeI]    a5D3-a5D4     24.042300 .000100    0.00   7.90
  [CoIII]  a4F3/2-a4F5/2 24.070000 .060000   17.08  33.50
  [NeV]    3P1-3P0       24.300000 .020000   97.12 126.21
  [FeII]   a4F5/2-a4F7/2 24.518600 .002000    7.90  16.19
  [FI]     2P1/2-2P3/2   24.747500 .001500    0.00  17.42
  [CoI]    a4F3/2-a4F5/2 24.845000 .006000    0.00   7.86
  [SI]     3P1-3P2       25.249000 .000300    0.00  10.36
  [CoII]   a5F2-a5F3     25.681000 .007000    7.86  17.08
  [FIV]    3P2-3P1       25.830000 .040000   62.71  87.14
  [OIV]    2P3/2-2P1/2   25.913000 .013000   54.93  77.41
  [CoI]    b4F3/2-b4F5/2 25.930000 .007000    0.00   7.86
  [FeII]   a6D7/2-a6D9/2 25.988200 .000500    7.90  16.19
  [FII]    3P1-3P2       29.330000 .040000   17.42  34.97
  [PII]    3P2-3P1       32.870000 .030000   10.48  19.77
  [FeIII]  5D2-5D3       33.040000 .070000   16.19  30.65
  [ClII]   3P0-3P1       33.281000 .008000   12.97  23.81
  [SIII]   3P1-3P0       33.480000 .002000   23.34  34.79     5
  [FeI]    a5D2-a5D3     34.713300 .000200    0.00   7.90
  [SiII]   2P3/2-2P1/2   34.814000 .002000    8.15  16.35
  [FeII]   a6D5/2-a6D7/2 35.349100 .001000    7.90  16.19
  [FeII]   a4F3/2-a4F5/2 35.776800 .004000    7.90  16.19
  [NeIII]  3P0-3P1       36.009000 .004000   40.96  63.45
  [CoII]   a5F1-a5F2     39.274000 .015000    7.86  17.08
  [FIV]    3P1-3P0       44.070000 .210000   62.71  87.14
  [FeII]   a6D3/2-a6D5/2 51.300500 .002000    7.90  16.19
  [FeIII]  5D1-5D2       51.680000 .200000   16.19  30.65
  [OIII]   3P2-3P1       51.814500 .000500   35.12  54.93     5        3
  [FeI]    a5D1-a5D2     54.310900 .000400    0.00   7.90
  [SI]     3P0-3P1       56.311000 .010000    0.00  10.36
  [NIII]   2P3/2-2P1/2   57.317000 .002000   29.60  47.45     5        3
  [PII]    3P1-3P0       60.640000 .070000   10.48  19.77
  [OI]     3P1-3P2       63.183705 .000002    0.00  13.62     2        2
  [FII]    3P0-3P1       67.200000 .300000   17.42  34.97
  [SiI]    3P2-3P1       68.474000 .005000    0.00   8.15     4        
  [FeII]   a6D1/2-a6D3/2 87.382000 .006000    7.90  16.19
  [OIII]   3P1-3P0       88.356000 .002300   35.12  54.93     5        3
  [AlI]    2P3/2-2P1/2   89.237000 .008000    0.00   5.99
  [FeIII]  5D0-5D1      105.370000 .600000   16.19  30.65
  [FeI]    a5D0-a5D1    111.183000 .002000    0.00   7.90
  [NII]    3P2-3P1      121.898060 .000070   14.53  29.60     1        1
  [SiI]    3P1-3P0      129.681730 .000030    0.00   8.15     4        
  [OI]     3P0-3P1      145.525439 .000007    0.00  13.62     2
  [CII]    2P3/2-2P1/2  157.740900 .000100   11.26  24.38     3
  [NII]    3P1-3P0      205.178200 .000100   14.53  29.60     1        1

(Our thanks to Mike Haas for these references and wavelength notes)


1: [NII] (121.8976, 205.1782) References are:
   Colgan etal. 1993, ApJ, 413, 237 
   Cooksy etal. 1986, J. Chem. Phys. 84, 6101
   Brown and Evenson, Ap JLett 428,L37,1994                        

2: [OI] line References are:              
   Saykally etal. 1979, JChemPhys, 71, 1564 Watson etal. 1984, (63.1700 um)
   ApJ, 279, L1 says its 63.18372+0.00003 
   The [OI] line - 145.5255 um - Davies etal. 1978, JChemPhys, 68, 1135. 

3: [CII] 157.7409 um:
   Boreiko etal. ApJ, 353, 181 (1990) - astrophysical observations 
   Cooksy etal. ApJ, 305, L89 (1986) - laboratory LMR measurements 

4: [SiI] 129.6817:
   Inguscio et al. ApJL, 278, L127, 1984 (2311.7556 GHz). 68.472

5: Moorwood etal. 1980, ApJ, 238, 565 

WAVELENGTH NOTES:               

The NII, OI, CII, and SiI wavelengths have all been measured with Laser
Magnetic Resonance techniques and are well known:

1: The [NII] lines have recently been measured in the lab via the LMR technique
by John Brown et al. He told Rubin his preliminary frequencies are 1461.1314
and 2459.3815 GHz (estimated error 0.001) for the J = 1--> 0 and J = 2--> 1.
This gives lambda of 205.1783 and 121.8975 microns. Andrew Cooksey told Rubin
that there was a slight error in his earlier J = 2--> 1 measurement and that
he concurs with the new value.

Update on [NII] line lab frequencies: 1461131.8 +- 0.7 MHz for J = 1--> 0.
The reference is John Brown and K.M. Evenson, in preparation.  This gives
lambda of 205.1783 microns (Mike gets 205.1782). The J = 2--> 1 frequency is
still preliminary, at 2459379.5 +- 0.6 MHz, yielding lambda of 121.8976 microns.

2: The OI line - 63.1700 um:
   Saykally etal. 1979, JChemPhys, 71, 1564 Watson etal. 1984,
   ApJ, 279, L1 says its 63.18372+0.00003 and refers to Evenson, 1982,
   private communication.
   This must supercede the 63.1700 value, but am checking it out.

All these are presumably known to 0.0001 um or so. See references for details.

3: Surprisingly, the wavelengths of the doubly ionized lines are rather poorly
known. The values we are using come from Moorwood etal. 1980, ApJ, 238, 565
and are very old and not all that well determined. The CGS on the KAO (Erickson, PI) can only do slightly better, having uncertainty of 1/2 channel or more,
being respectively, 0.004, 0.008, and 0.006 microns at 52, 88, and 57 microns.
Many people use 57.317 for the wavelength of the NIII line, including the FIFI
group (R. Genzel, PI), and this may fit the CGS data better, but the CGS group
are not yet sure. We are also not sure where this number originated.
Moorwood's paper is worth looking at just to see how FIR spectroscopy has come.


Updated: August 1998