Jargon (Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations)
AOT: Astronomical Oobservation Template - may have two meansing: 1)the
mode in which an instrument is used, e.g.:, when you are scanning a line
with the LWS Fabry Perot, you are using the AOT LWS04; 2) the self-contained
observation achieved using one of these modes, e.g.: ISO conducted 10,000
LWS AOTs, including all 4 AOT types.
AAR: Auto Analysis Result
ERD: Edited Raw Data
EW: Equivalent Width
FITS: Flexible Image Transport System
FP: Fabry Perot
FWHM: Full-width-at-half-maximum
GUI: Graphical User Interface, the result of combining a number of
plus application specific processing.
IDL: Interactive Data Language,
is a data analysis software package developed by
Systems Inc. IDL forms the basis of ISAP and the Interactive Analysis
packages developed for the ISO mission.
IPAC: Infrared Processing and Analysis
Center, Caltech/JPL, Pasadena, CA
IRAS: Infrared Astronomical Satellite
ISAP: ISO Spectral Analysis Package
KAO: Kuiper Airborne Observatory
LIDT: LWS Instrument Dedicated Team
LWS: Long Wavelength Spectrometer
MC-FITS: Coordination modules for FITS
MPE: Max Planck
Institute , Garching, Germany
PV: Performance Verification
RAL: Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, England
SED: Spectral Energy Distribution
SIDT: SWS Instrument Dedicated Team
SPD: Standard Processed Data
SRON: Space Research Organization of the Neatherlands
SWS: Short Wavelength Spectrometer
TBC: to be confirmed
TBD: to be decided
YAAAR: "Yet Another AAR"; a more generic, flexible AAR-like IDL data structure.
VILSPA: Villafranca Spain, the ESA Tracking Center for ISO
Widget: A simple graphical object such as a push button or slider that
allows user interaction.
ISAP Home Page
Last update: 20-Nov-1998