Index of all routines in dc-level 3

aar_data_def                            Include file containing the IDL AAR structure
acknowledge                             A function to pop up a widget with error or warning.
analyse2                                return the unique data tags associated with a selection made
analyse_data                            to examine an AAR, create the relevant detector, scan and
bad_data_rem                            A popup widget which allows the user to set how bad data
bbfitformat                             to write output text to BBFIT record file.
check_defines                           Check that the idl system variables are defined
comments                                Gui interface and Event handler to allow users
cw_draw                                 cw_draw is a compound widget to display 1 or 2 arrays 
cw_draw3                                cw_draw3 is a compound widget to display 1 or 2 arrays 
data_handler8                           Top level GUI.
extract_selected4                       given an aar and a list of buttons,scans etc, return
feeder                                  to split/process user selected data                                Fix dodgy uncertainty values in AAR
gui_arithm2                             GUI interface to arithm2 (combine 2 AAR's)
gui_average                             Gui interface and Event handler for clipping & averaging 
gui_bbfit                               Gui interface and Event handler for Blackbody fit
gui_feeder                              gui driver to create FEEDER sub-widget            
gui_fix_stdev                           wrapper for the fix_stdev routine, which allows
gui_lab_plot                            Provide Title, x-title and y-title for plot
gui_mergeall                            widget to merge a group of selected  stored data sets
gui_oplot                               GUI routine to oplot the reference AAR on the primary.
gui_oplotstyle                          To define the plotting options used by
gui_output                              To get the GUI output aar 
gui_plotemiss                           Gui widget containing Emissivity plot in Blackbody Fit
gui_plotstyle                           To define the plotting options used by
gui_rebin4                              Allows user to pass in an aar and rebin it in
gui_rfitsp                              Gui to select flux type for PHT-S AAR/PIA data
gui_saot1                               Rewrite the line tag to reflect the AOT band
gui_smooth                              Gui interface and Event handler for smoothing 
gui_syn_phot                            gui driver for synthetic photometry
gui_units_conv                          Routine to convert the units of wave, flux in a given AAR
gui_units_conv_bb                       Gui interface to allow user changing of flux units 
gui_xshift                              GUI interface to xshift (shift in wavelength)
gui_zodiacal                            Routine to compute zodi model for given wavelengths in 
hmakeaar_message                        help widget for "MAKE AAR"   
hstore_message                          help widget for "STORE"      
hwrite_message                          help widget for "WRITE_TO_DISK"   
hwww_message                            help widget for "WWW"   
init_transfer                           to initialise the transfer tracker.
initial_load                            To load an initial AAR that has been passed in with the GUI call
intro_message                           widget to display ISAP welcome message
isap_path                               To create full path names to ISAP subdirectories in a
loadsp                                  To read data from BROWSER SP ASCII FITS files 
loadstuff                               To read data from files of various types, and then format
local_store                             routine to stuff local data into a data_handler
make_ct                                 make a colour table
make_prime                              routine to load and plot the selected data as primary (current)
make_selection                          to put up a window allowing the use to select the
merge_warn                              function to issue warning for merging group of aar with    
modal_base                              To get a modal widget base
multiguess                              gather input guesses for multi gaussian line fit
news                                    Gui interface and Event handler to show user what
oplot_err                               oplot the errorbars with colours and clipp data and handle logs 
overplot_bad                            To overplot bad LWS or SWS data (as squares) on the current 
plot_aar                                given an aar, to plot it up either in a window,
plot_aar_simple                         to plot an aar when only points are to be plotted.
plot_all                                given an aar plot it using full plotstyle options from
query_ok                                function to attempt to provide a standard solution to the
sap_cam_aar                             To create an ISAP YAAAR struc from CAM CVF Fits File 
sap_pht_aar                             To create an ISAP YAAAR struc from PHT-S/PIA Fits File 
sci_anal5                               starts ISAP GUI session
store_split                             to make and store an AAR from a splitted 
stored_ds                               routine for stored data sets selection         
str_query                               function to allow entry of 1 string, get the typed entry,
what_data                               middle mouse from cw_draw - return data info to text wid 
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