Index of all routines in dc-level 2

                                        Non-linear least squares fit to a function of an arbitrary 
aar_display                             A trivial piece of code to display an aar in a
aotb_widget                             record user's answer for SWS AOT Band
auto_reject                             Determines if any points are to be rejected based on
bin_lws                                 to return the optimum binsize for averaging LWS data.         
bin_sws                                 to return the optimum binsize for averaging LWS data.         
binf                                    Function to find binsize for search routines
binsrch                                 Do the binary seach of an array to find the index
check_raster                            look at an incoming aar, see if there are rasters
check_units                             check legality of wave and flux units from FITS header
chk_multix                              check if an array of x values (xscale) contains multiple
cl_fringe2                              Defringe LWS AOT1   
clip_binner                             To clip an array of data [x,y] 
data_info                               return tag information for a given AAR data structure
data_present                            Give info on tag in AAR 
data_range                              Give range on AAR 
det2band                                Determine the band a given detector belongs to
dfringe                                 ISO LWS defringing software. Calculates parameters of fringes.
dfringe_params                          To define parameters used in LWS dfringing software
find_solution                           Solves linear equations for specified variables to improve on
fit_baseline                            Fit baseline using the selected regions of data 
fit_lineext                             Extract database lines inside a given range   
fit_lineformat                          format information inside line structure for print
fit_moment                              Compute MOMENT using the selected regions of data 
flux_conserv                            Perform linear interpolation conserving flux 
fp_param                                get LWS FP resolution for a given wavelength          
get_aotb_index                          find the index in an SWS AAR of all data belonging to a
get_linelist                            get lines from line database for the selected region
get_redshift                            get input redshift velocity by reading widget text
get_resol                               get LWS resolution depending on AOT                
get_sel_lines                           save selected lines using info               
get_units                               gets wave and flux units from FITS header
geta1                                   to return the best initial parameter for one blackbody
geta2                                   to return the best initial parameter for two blackbody  
geta2c                                  to return the best initial parameter for two blackbody
geta3                                   to return the best initial parameter for 3 blackbody  
geta3c                                  to return the best initial parameter for three blackbody
gui_add_tag                             Add a new tag to a given AAR. gui driver to run 
gui_increment_tag                       gui driver to run "increment_tags"               
inter_pol                               Perform different kinds of interpolation to resample a 
kwd_notset                              Check if a parameter is set and of the right type
linegauss                               Fit gaussian pattern on a spectra given as IDL
lorentzian                              Fit lorentzian pattern on a spectra given as IDL
lws_fl2br                               change LWS flux units to brightness       
lws_fp_res                              Convert LWS FP fluxes into  w/cm^2/um.    
match (adapted from astrolib)           Routine to match values in two vectors.
merger                                  to merge back masked data points into AAR data structure
multi_gauss                             Fits line using the selected regions of data 
nearest_line                            save the dbline closest to line center               
num_string_bad                          To tell if a string is an invalid numeric vale
plank1t                                 to supply a function for one blackbody fit when
plank2t                                 to supply a function for two blackbody fit when
plank2tc                                to supply a function for two blackbody fit when
plank3t                                 to supply a function for three blackbody fit when
plank3tc                                to supply a function for three blackbody fit when
plot_intflux                            Compute and plot integrated flux under the spectrum 
plot_legend                             Creates a legend near the AAR plot
plot_linelabels                         plot line element at the line center
plot_lines                              Plots baselines, fitted lines and selected  
plot_vel                                Plot AAR, and Line Fit in V-Space   
position_base                           to calculate the on-screen position of a given realized
process_line                            process gaussian line to compute report params     
read_asciilines                         Routine to read ISO line cataloge into an IDL structure
read_filter                             To read ascii files of photometric data into YAAAR 
redo_hdr                                Re-do the secondary FITS header for a new set of tags
remove (adapted from astrolib)          Contract a vector or up to 7 vectors by removing specified
resamp                                  resample the fit and extend it 4*sigma on both ends
sap_ckunits                             Check if the UNITS of the two AAR's are the same
sap_error                               To send a message to user.
sap_poly_fit (adapted from idl poly_fit)Perform a least-square polynomial fit with optional error
scale_define                            compute a new x-scale (e.g. the reference wavelengths
select_lines                            save the selected lines                              
selek                                   Procedure to select a portion of a spectrum 
setup_a                                 Fills in the "A" matrix containing the coefficients of the linear
setup_cross_index                       Sets up arrays of cross indices between A and X arrays.
show_linelist                           Show Line Database and perform different functions 
show_text                               diplay text with /scroll and optionnaly record user's answer
single_line                             Fits single gaussian/lorentzian line using the selected 
solver                                  Solves the linear equations specified by the A array. 
split_4_shift                           to split/process user selected LWS/SWS data and perform shift
start_hardcopy                          To switch device type to postscript
stop_hardcopy                           To switch device type to 'X' 
taufun                                  to compute emissivity for a given wavelength array
tauplank1                               to supply a function for one blackbody fit when
tauplank2                               to supply a function for two blackbody fit when
tauplank3                               to supply a function for three blackbody fit when
trans_baseline                          transform baseline coefficients w.r.t input center   
unit_input                              GUI for interactive input of units in ascii2yaaar
zodi_emit                               Compute zodi emission for ISO wavelengths
zodi_flux                               Compute flux for a given temperature and wavelength
zodi_model                              Compute model of zodiacal emission
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