Index of all routines in dc-level 1                             convert IA style AARs to ISAP style AARs and vice versa
active_det                              To Return the active detectors from an LWS L02 or L04
add_history_string                      Add a given string to the history string of a given structure
add_tag                                 To add a tag to a given YAAAR structure
arithm                                  Shell for the call to the subroutines which perform 
ascii2yaaar                             Create an IDL structure from an ASCII table
average_sm                              To average an array of data [x,y] 
avgsig                                  Calculate the statistcal parameter of an array (mean, sigma)
band_2_det                              Convert a SWS band to the absolute detector(s)
bandbit                                 To extract data from an input aar that is within the
bands_to_dets                           To convert a list a band numbers (sws) to the equivalent
binner                                  To average an array of data [x,y] 
blamda                                  to compute Plank function for a given wavelength
changeflux_unit                         to change flux units in Blackbody Fit                    
chk_det                                 Check if detectors specified in detmask are indeed present
chk_tag                                 Check whether a given structure containes a particular tag
combine                                 combined undisplayed data with the processed one
conv2yaaar                              Create an ISAP YAAAR structure from two IDL variables
cut_aar                                 extract a subset of an AAR into a smaller AAR
debum_aar                               remove bad data from lws data set. It does this by
deglitch_aar                            remove post-glich data from lws data set. It does this by
del_children                            delete all children of given parent
dered                                   Dereddening of AAR or line lists
dered_corr                              compute reddening correction factor for a single datapoint
dered_getext                            Function to interpolate extinction or tau for a certain lambda
disp_aar                                Plot an Auto Analysis Structure (SAAR, LAAR, YAAR) 
extract_aar2                            To extract from an incoming AAR all the values associated
fit_1line                               Fit gaussian pattern on a spectra given as IDL
fit_multi_gauss                         Fit lines to a set of data.
fix_scalar                              To make a 1-element array from a scalar                 
get_aot_info                            Read a specific keyword in a given header
get_aotband                             Get the aot band for (a) given data point(s) in an SWS AAR 
get_hdrkey                              Read a keyword value and optionally the corresponding comment
get_unit                                extract the unit(s) of one or several tags in the data
glue                                    To join spectra or mini-spectra into a single spectrum
gui_disp_aar                            to display a given aar using the IPAC disp_aar routine
gui_fit                                 Driver to run LINE FIT under ISAP GUI             
headit                                  Widget tool to view and edit (FITS) headers of IA structures
increment_tags                          increment  give AAR tags by the given values     
is_struct                               check if a given variable is a structure of kind AAR, SPD, 
link_isap                               IDL script to automatically link ISAP to the current IDL 
lwsflux2sr                              To convert LWS fluxes from whatever unit U to U/sr
make52                                  convert in2 into 52 element array if it is not a structure
make_detmask                            make a detector mask out of the det and band switches
makeyaaarhead                           Create a real FITS header for data stored in a YAAAR
mask                                    To mark specified data points as bad
mergetwo                                To merge two aars retaining the tags that the two have in 
modify_prime                            Insert the new keywords to the FITS primary header of given AAR    
normal                                  To normalise a defined portion of an input spectrum to
polyint                                 Interpolate a set of N points by fitting a polynomial of 
read_swscal19                           To read in SWS cal file 19 (resolution)
register                                To register ISAP users via email so that the ISAP
remove_bad_sws                          remove bad data from sws data set. It does this by
remove_data                             called from GUI to remove bad data and update the AAR
reset_date                              Return the given date in CCYY-MM-DD for FITS headers
sap_abs                                 Perform y = abs(x) on arrays
sap_add                                 Add either a constant or another spectrum to a spectrum
sap_aperture                            Compute instrument aperture (SWS or LWS)    
sap_arithm2                             To compute arithmetic combinations of two 
sap_det_shift                           To normalise a single scan to a given detector by
sap_div                                 Divide a spectrum either by a constant or another 
sap_exp                                 Perform y = exp(x) on arrays (with error propagation)
sap_exp10                               Perform y = 10^x on arrays (with error propagation)
sap_factor                              To deal with small/large numbers by applying a multiplicative factor
sap_fixunits                            To make flux units in an LSAN file more specific
sap_inverse                             Perform y = 1/x on arrays 
sap_keyword_set                         Check if a keyword is set. The difference to IDLs keyword_set
sap_log                                 Perform y = log(x) on arrays (natural logarithm)
sap_log10                               Perform y = log(x) on arrays (basis of log: 10)
sap_max                                 set individual points of a spectrum to maximum value of the
sap_mean                                Compute the (weighted) mean of two spectra
sap_min                                 set induvidual points of a spectrum to minimum value of
sap_mult                                multiplicate a spectrum either by a constant or another 
sap_oploterr                            Over-Plot data points with accompanying X or Y error bars.
sap_plot_keywords                       Return default value(s) of plotting keywords.        
sap_ploterr                             Plot data points with accompanying X or Y error bars.
sap_rebin                               Perform resampling (=rebinning =interpolation) of an AAR
sap_rfitccv                             To read a CAM CV  fits table into an AAR structure
sap_rfits                               To read a fits file into an AAR structure
sap_rfits_lcgr                          To read the LWS filter functions into an AAR structure.
sap_rfits_srdp                          To read the LWS filter functions into an AAR structure.
sap_rfits_sws                           To read SWS filter functions
sap_rfitsp                              To read a PHT-S fits table into an AAR structure
sap_rspfits                             To read a survey product ascii fits file into an AAR structure
sap_shift                               perform a shift on incoming aar data. 
sap_sigclip                             perform a kappa-sigma-clipping (i.e. clip points
sap_sm_box                              Smooth AAR using a boxcar/square hat filter
sap_sm_gauss                            Smooth SPD or AAR using a gaussian filter
sap_sm_llsw                             Smooth AAR using a given LWS SW/LW profile
sap_sm_lorentzian                       Smooth SPD or AAR using a lorentzian filter
sap_sm_median                           Smooth AAR using a median filter
sap_smooth                              Smooth a given AAR using different techniques       
sap_split_shift                         shift data using a giving mean           
sap_sqrt                                Perform y = sqrt(x) on arrays
sap_sub                                 Subtract either a constant or another spectrum from a spectrum
sap_wfits                               To write a fits file from an SAAR, LAAR, or YAAAR structure
saturatebit                             To count data from an input aar that is saturated
set_usersym                             set user defined symbols generated with
show_header                             to display the header of an AAR
show_history                            given an aar, to show the history                           Give info on AAR 
shrink_array                            function to reduce array to an array consisting
sm_airy                                 Smooth SPD or AAR using a lorentzian filter
sm_box                                  Smooth SPD or AAR using a boxcar/square hat filter
sm_gauss                                Smooth SPD or AAR using a gaussian filter
sm_median                               Smooth SPD or AAR using a median filter
spect_form                              convert the flux data in an aar to new units
speed_of_sws01                          get the speed of an sws01 observation from its duration
split_aar                               To split apart an AAR however the user wishes (by line,
split_det                               Split's an LWS LSAN fits file into 10 files, 1 for each 
split_line_lws                          Split's an LWS02 LSAN fits file into that many lsan fits
split_line_sws                          Split's an sws swaa fits file into that many swaa fits                           ISAP GUI setup out of IDL sessions
sws_defringe                            Defringing of (SWS) AAR data
sws_flag                                translate the sws flag tag
symgen                                  generate vectors for user defined symbols
syn_phot                                To produce synthetic photometry on IS0 SWS/LWS spectra 
tippex                                  To replace specified fluxes with interploated values
update_history                          write history information into the history tag of a given
vel_prof                                Convert a Spectrum (AAR) from wavelength to velocity space
wav_dop                                 Correct wavelengths in AAR for shifts due to radial velocity 
wave_form                               convert the wavelength data in an aar to new units
webpage                                 To display a given web page in Netscape.
write2hist                              write a comment into the history tag of a given
write_hdrkey                            Write a keyword value and optionally the corresponding comment
writeascii                              To write an AAR as an ascii table with the header
xshift                                  To perform a gain or offset shift to the "x" (wave) values
zodiacal                                Compute zodiacal light model for an SWS AAR
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