Index of all the ISAP Commandline routines
Non-linear least squares fit to a function of an arbitrary
aar_data_def Include file containing the IDL AAR structure
aar_display A trivial piece of code to display an aar in a convert IA style AARs to ISAP style AARs and vice versa
acknowledge A function to pop up a widget with error or warning.
active_det To Return the active detectors from an LWS L02 or L04
add_history_string Add a given string to the history string of a given structure
add_tag To add a tag to a given YAAAR structure
analyse2 return the unique data tags associated with a selection made
analyse_data to examine an AAR, create the relevant detector, scan and
aotb_widget record user's answer for SWS AOT Band
arithm Shell for the call to the subroutines which perform
ascii2yaaar Create an IDL structure from an ASCII table
auto_reject Determines if any points are to be rejected based on
average_sm To average an array of data [x,y]
avgsig Calculate the statistcal parameter of an array (mean, sigma)
bad_data_rem A popup widget which allows the user to set how bad data
band_2_det Convert a SWS band to the absolute detector(s)
bandbit To extract data from an input aar that is within the
bands_to_dets To convert a list a band numbers (sws) to the equivalent
bbfitformat to write output text to BBFIT record file.
bin_lws to return the optimum binsize for averaging LWS data.
bin_sws to return the optimum binsize for averaging LWS data.
binf Function to find binsize for search routines
binner To average an array of data [x,y]
binsrch Do the binary seach of an array to find the index
blamda to compute Plank function for a given wavelength
changeflux_unit to change flux units in Blackbody Fit
check_defines Check that the idl system variables are defined
check_raster look at an incoming aar, see if there are rasters
check_units check legality of wave and flux units from FITS header
chk_det Check if detectors specified in detmask are indeed present
chk_multix check if an array of x values (xscale) contains multiple
chk_tag Check whether a given structure containes a particular tag
cl_fringe2 Defringe LWS AOT1
clip_binner To clip an array of data [x,y]
combine combined undisplayed data with the processed one
comments Gui interface and Event handler to allow users
conv2yaaar Create an ISAP YAAAR structure from two IDL variables
cut_aar extract a subset of an AAR into a smaller AAR
cw_draw cw_draw is a compound widget to display 1 or 2 arrays
cw_draw3 cw_draw3 is a compound widget to display 1 or 2 arrays
data_handler8 Top level GUI.
data_info return tag information for a given AAR data structure
data_present Give info on tag in AAR
data_range Give range on AAR
debum_aar remove bad data from lws data set. It does this by
deglitch_aar remove post-glich data from lws data set. It does this by
del_children delete all children of given parent
dered Dereddening of AAR or line lists
dered_corr compute reddening correction factor for a single datapoint
dered_getext Function to interpolate extinction or tau for a certain lambda
det2band Determine the band a given detector belongs to
dfringe ISO LWS defringing software. Calculates parameters of fringes.
dfringe_params To define parameters used in LWS dfringing software
disp_aar Plot an Auto Analysis Structure (SAAR, LAAR, YAAR)
extract_aar2 To extract from an incoming AAR all the values associated
extract_selected4 given an aar and a list of buttons,scans etc, return
feeder to split/process user selected data
find_solution Solves linear equations for specified variables to improve on
fit_1line Fit gaussian pattern on a spectra given as IDL
fit_baseline Fit baseline using the selected regions of data
fit_lineext Extract database lines inside a given range
fit_lineformat format information inside line structure for print
fit_moment Compute MOMENT using the selected regions of data
fit_multi_gauss Fit lines to a set of data.
fix_scalar To make a 1-element array from a scalar Fix dodgy uncertainty values in AAR
flux_conserv Perform linear interpolation conserving flux
fp_param get LWS FP resolution for a given wavelength
get_aot_info Read a specific keyword in a given header
get_aotb_index find the index in an SWS AAR of all data belonging to a
get_aotband Get the aot band for (a) given data point(s) in an SWS AAR
get_hdrkey Read a keyword value and optionally the corresponding comment
get_linelist get lines from line database for the selected region
get_redshift get input redshift velocity by reading widget text
get_resol get LWS resolution depending on AOT
get_sel_lines save selected lines using info
get_unit extract the unit(s) of one or several tags in the data
get_units gets wave and flux units from FITS header
geta1 to return the best initial parameter for one blackbody
geta2 to return the best initial parameter for two blackbody
geta2c to return the best initial parameter for two blackbody
geta3 to return the best initial parameter for 3 blackbody
geta3c to return the best initial parameter for three blackbody
glue To join spectra or mini-spectra into a single spectrum
gui_add_tag Add a new tag to a given AAR. gui driver to run
gui_arithm2 GUI interface to arithm2 (combine 2 AAR's)
gui_average Gui interface and Event handler for clipping & averaging
gui_bbfit Gui interface and Event handler for Blackbody fit
gui_disp_aar to display a given aar using the IPAC disp_aar routine
gui_feeder gui driver to create FEEDER sub-widget
gui_fit Driver to run LINE FIT under ISAP GUI
gui_fix_stdev wrapper for the fix_stdev routine, which allows
gui_increment_tag gui driver to run "increment_tags"
gui_lab_plot Provide Title, x-title and y-title for plot
gui_mergeall widget to merge a group of selected stored data sets
gui_oplot GUI routine to oplot the reference AAR on the primary.
gui_oplotstyle To define the plotting options used by
gui_output To get the GUI output aar
gui_plotemiss Gui widget containing Emissivity plot in Blackbody Fit
gui_plotstyle To define the plotting options used by
gui_rebin4 Allows user to pass in an aar and rebin it in
gui_rfitsp Gui to select flux type for PHT-S AAR/PIA data
gui_saot1 Rewrite the line tag to reflect the AOT band
gui_smooth Gui interface and Event handler for smoothing
gui_syn_phot gui driver for synthetic photometry
gui_units_conv Routine to convert the units of wave, flux in a given AAR
gui_units_conv_bb Gui interface to allow user changing of flux units
gui_xshift GUI interface to xshift (shift in wavelength)
gui_zodiacal Routine to compute zodi model for given wavelengths in
headit Widget tool to view and edit (FITS) headers of IA structures
hmakeaar_message help widget for "MAKE AAR"
hstore_message help widget for "STORE"
hwrite_message help widget for "WRITE_TO_DISK"
hwww_message help widget for "WWW"
increment_tags increment give AAR tags by the given values
init_transfer to initialise the transfer tracker.
initial_load To load an initial AAR that has been passed in with the GUI call
inter_pol Perform different kinds of interpolation to resample a
intro_message widget to display ISAP welcome message
is_struct check if a given variable is a structure of kind AAR, SPD,
isap_path To create full path names to ISAP subdirectories in a
kwd_notset Check if a parameter is set and of the right type
linegauss Fit gaussian pattern on a spectra given as IDL
link_isap IDL script to automatically link ISAP to the current IDL
loadsp To read data from BROWSER SP ASCII FITS files
loadstuff To read data from files of various types, and then format
local_store routine to stuff local data into a data_handler
lorentzian Fit lorentzian pattern on a spectra given as IDL
lws_fl2br change LWS flux units to brightness
lws_fp_res Convert LWS FP fluxes into w/cm^2/um.
lwsflux2sr To convert LWS fluxes from whatever unit U to U/sr
make52 convert in2 into 52 element array if it is not a structure
make_ct make a colour table
make_detmask make a detector mask out of the det and band switches
make_prime routine to load and plot the selected data as primary (current)
make_selection to put up a window allowing the use to select the
makeyaaarhead Create a real FITS header for data stored in a YAAAR
mask To mark specified data points as bad
match (adapted from astrolib) Routine to match values in two vectors.
merge_warn function to issue warning for merging group of aar with
merger to merge back masked data points into AAR data structure
mergetwo To merge two aars retaining the tags that the two have in
modal_base To get a modal widget base
modify_prime Insert the new keywords to the FITS primary header of given AAR
multi_gauss Fits line using the selected regions of data
multiguess gather input guesses for multi gaussian line fit
nearest_line save the dbline closest to line center
news Gui interface and Event handler to show user what
normal To normalise a defined portion of an input spectrum to
num_string_bad To tell if a string is an invalid numeric vale
oplot_err oplot the errorbars with colours and clipp data and handle logs
overplot_bad To overplot bad LWS or SWS data (as squares) on the current
plank1t to supply a function for one blackbody fit when
plank2t to supply a function for two blackbody fit when
plank2tc to supply a function for two blackbody fit when
plank3t to supply a function for three blackbody fit when
plank3tc to supply a function for three blackbody fit when
plot_aar given an aar, to plot it up either in a window,
plot_aar_simple to plot an aar when only points are to be plotted.
plot_all given an aar plot it using full plotstyle options from
plot_intflux Compute and plot integrated flux under the spectrum
plot_legend Creates a legend near the AAR plot
plot_linelabels plot line element at the line center
plot_lines Plots baselines, fitted lines and selected
plot_vel Plot AAR, and Line Fit in V-Space
polyint Interpolate a set of N points by fitting a polynomial of
position_base to calculate the on-screen position of a given realized
process_line process gaussian line to compute report params
query_ok function to attempt to provide a standard solution to the
read_asciilines Routine to read ISO line cataloge into an IDL structure
read_filter To read ascii files of photometric data into YAAAR
read_swscal19 To read in SWS cal file 19 (resolution)
redo_hdr Re-do the secondary FITS header for a new set of tags
register To register ISAP users via email so that the ISAP
remove (adapted from astrolib) Contract a vector or up to 7 vectors by removing specified
remove_bad_sws remove bad data from sws data set. It does this by
remove_data called from GUI to remove bad data and update the AAR
resamp resample the fit and extend it 4*sigma on both ends
reset_date Return the given date in CCYY-MM-DD for FITS headers
sap_abs Perform y = abs(x) on arrays
sap_add Add either a constant or another spectrum to a spectrum
sap_aperture Compute instrument aperture (SWS or LWS)
sap_arithm2 To compute arithmetic combinations of two
sap_cam_aar To create an ISAP YAAAR struc from CAM CVF Fits File
sap_ckunits Check if the UNITS of the two AAR's are the same
sap_det_shift To normalise a single scan to a given detector by
sap_div Divide a spectrum either by a constant or another
sap_error To send a message to user.
sap_exp Perform y = exp(x) on arrays (with error propagation)
sap_exp10 Perform y = 10^x on arrays (with error propagation)
sap_factor To deal with small/large numbers by applying a multiplicative factor
sap_fixunits To make flux units in an LSAN file more specific
sap_inverse Perform y = 1/x on arrays
sap_keyword_set Check if a keyword is set. The difference to IDLs keyword_set
sap_log Perform y = log(x) on arrays (natural logarithm)
sap_log10 Perform y = log(x) on arrays (basis of log: 10)
sap_max set individual points of a spectrum to maximum value of the
sap_mean Compute the (weighted) mean of two spectra
sap_min set induvidual points of a spectrum to minimum value of
sap_mult multiplicate a spectrum either by a constant or another
sap_oploterr Over-Plot data points with accompanying X or Y error bars.
sap_pht_aar To create an ISAP YAAAR struc from PHT-S/PIA Fits File
sap_plot_keywords Return default value(s) of plotting keywords.
sap_ploterr Plot data points with accompanying X or Y error bars.
sap_poly_fit (adapted from idl poly_fit)Perform a least-square polynomial fit with optional error
sap_rebin Perform resampling (=rebinning =interpolation) of an AAR
sap_rfitccv To read a CAM CV fits table into an AAR structure
sap_rfits To read a fits file into an AAR structure
sap_rfits_lcgr To read the LWS filter functions into an AAR structure.
sap_rfits_srdp To read the LWS filter functions into an AAR structure.
sap_rfits_sws To read SWS filter functions
sap_rfitsp To read a PHT-S fits table into an AAR structure
sap_rspfits To read a survey product ascii fits file into an AAR structure
sap_shift perform a shift on incoming aar data.
sap_sigclip perform a kappa-sigma-clipping (i.e. clip points
sap_sm_box Smooth AAR using a boxcar/square hat filter
sap_sm_gauss Smooth SPD or AAR using a gaussian filter
sap_sm_llsw Smooth AAR using a given LWS SW/LW profile
sap_sm_lorentzian Smooth SPD or AAR using a lorentzian filter
sap_sm_median Smooth AAR using a median filter
sap_smooth Smooth a given AAR using different techniques
sap_split_shift shift data using a giving mean
sap_sqrt Perform y = sqrt(x) on arrays
sap_sub Subtract either a constant or another spectrum from a spectrum
sap_wfits To write a fits file from an SAAR, LAAR, or YAAAR structure
saturatebit To count data from an input aar that is saturated
scale_define compute a new x-scale (e.g. the reference wavelengths
sci_anal5 starts ISAP GUI session
select_lines save the selected lines
selek Procedure to select a portion of a spectrum
set_usersym set user defined symbols generated with
setup_a Fills in the "A" matrix containing the coefficients of the linear
setup_cross_index Sets up arrays of cross indices between A and X arrays.
show_header to display the header of an AAR
show_history given an aar, to show the history Give info on AAR
show_linelist Show Line Database and perform different functions
show_text diplay text with /scroll and optionnaly record user's answer
shrink_array function to reduce array to an array consisting
single_line Fits single gaussian/lorentzian line using the selected
sm_airy Smooth SPD or AAR using a lorentzian filter
sm_box Smooth SPD or AAR using a boxcar/square hat filter
sm_gauss Smooth SPD or AAR using a gaussian filter
sm_median Smooth SPD or AAR using a median filter
solver Solves the linear equations specified by the A array.
spect_form convert the flux data in an aar to new units
speed_of_sws01 get the speed of an sws01 observation from its duration
split_4_shift to split/process user selected LWS/SWS data and perform shift
split_aar To split apart an AAR however the user wishes (by line,
split_det Split's an LWS LSAN fits file into 10 files, 1 for each
split_line_lws Split's an LWS02 LSAN fits file into that many lsan fits
split_line_sws Split's an sws swaa fits file into that many swaa fits ISAP GUI setup out of IDL sessions
start_hardcopy To switch device type to postscript
stop_hardcopy To switch device type to 'X'
store_split to make and store an AAR from a splitted
stored_ds routine for stored data sets selection
str_query function to allow entry of 1 string, get the typed entry,
sws_defringe Defringing of (SWS) AAR data
sws_flag translate the sws flag tag
symgen generate vectors for user defined symbols
syn_phot To produce synthetic photometry on IS0 SWS/LWS spectra
taufun to compute emissivity for a given wavelength array
tauplank1 to supply a function for one blackbody fit when
tauplank2 to supply a function for two blackbody fit when
tauplank3 to supply a function for three blackbody fit when
tippex To replace specified fluxes with interploated values
trans_baseline transform baseline coefficients w.r.t input center
unit_input GUI for interactive input of units in ascii2yaaar
update_history write history information into the history tag of a given
vel_prof Convert a Spectrum (AAR) from wavelength to velocity space
wav_dop Correct wavelengths in AAR for shifts due to radial velocity
wave_form convert the wavelength data in an aar to new units
webpage To display a given web page in Netscape.
what_data middle mouse from cw_draw - return data info to text wid
write2hist write a comment into the history tag of a given
write_hdrkey Write a keyword value and optionally the corresponding comment
writeascii To write an AAR as an ascii table with the header
xshift To perform a gain or offset shift to the "x" (wave) values
zodi_emit Compute zodi emission for ISO wavelengths
zodi_flux Compute flux for a given temperature and wavelength
zodi_model Compute model of zodiacal emission
zodiacal Compute zodiacal light model for an SWS AAR
Last Updated: Tue Mar 13 13:21:46 2001
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