NGC 1326-A Table 12 - Astrometry for Other NGC 1326-A Variables ID X Y RA(J2000) DEC(J2000) Chip V1 454.36 248.19 3:25:08.10 -36:21:59.0 WF3 V2 667.16 544.71 3:25:11.02 -36:22:07.7 WF3 V3 342.21 325.48 3:25:07.81 -36:22:12.1 WF3 V4 83.12 482.06 3:25:07.06 -36:21:38.9 WF2 V5 662.70 743.72 3:25:12.05 -36:22:23.1 WF3 V6 172.49 609.23 3:25:07.38 -36:21:23.9 WF2 V7 382.57 126.42 3:25:07.00 -36:21:54.4 WF3 V8 743.64 632.98 3:25:11.97 -36:22:09.5 WF3 V9 274.84 193.41 3:25:06.68 -36:22:06.4 WF3 V10 768.85 334.02 3:25:10.54 -36:21:45.2 WF3 V11 103.38 389.29 3:25:03.40 -36:22:00.9 PC1 V12 105.46 ~99.80 3:25:04.37 -36:22:18.8 WF4 V13 680.72 136.35 3:25:08.93 -36:21:35.9 WF3 V14 312.74 475.72 3:25:05.79 -36:21:22.0 WF2 V15 365.40 218.52 3:25:07.39 -36:22:02.5 WF3 V16 280.02 329.34 3:25:05.05 -36:21:33.9 WF2 V17 318.11 725.72 3:25:09.79 -36:22:44.0 WF3 Notes: 1. Variables are ordered by increasing period. 2. X and Y coordinates are derived from UT 1997 August 06 epoch. RA and DEC are derived using the IRAF task stsdas.toolbox.imgtools.xy2rd, STSDAS V2.0.1. Notes on individual variables. V5: possible nonstellar object? V7: possible cepheid? V8: possible cepheid? V9: possible cepheid? This variable was not recovered by ALLFRAME. V11: This variable from PC chip was only measured by DoPHOT, as ALLFRAME reductions of PC1 were not performed due to the few variables found by the DoPHOT reduction and analysis. V12: possible cepheid? Variable lies near pyramid corner of chip. V13: possible cepheid? There is a strong diffraction spike in I-band due to a nearby brighter star which may contaminate F814W mag. measurement for this variable. V14: There is also a strong alias at 7.3d. V15: Only V-band photometry was obtained by DoPHOT, the star not being recovered in DoPHOT I-band photometry. V16: Noticeable aliases at 9.2d and 6.1d. V17: possible cepheid? Only V-band photometry was obtained by DoPHOT and this variable was not recovered by ALLFRAME.