000129s [v3]


Processing notes:

Scans failing processing: None.

Minor planet ID's: Two low-numbered asteroids predicted, one of which was
found twice and the other once --

|scn|psID   |Name               |RA         |Dec      |
 057    6011 (185)       Eunike  130.266197    3.013255
 058    6130 (185)       Eunike  130.265144    3.014060
 061    1765 (409)      Aspasia  130.704006    0.861900


Calibration strategy: New

CALMON overrides: None.

CALMON passes 9-cal night with solid solutions in all bands.

Overlaps plots: Scatters and biases are both small.

In summary,

      Scans      Phot. quality factor
      -------    --------------------
      014-021      1.0
      028-035      1.0
      042-048      1.0
      055-062      1.0
      069-076      1.0
      083-090      1.0
      097-104      1.0
      111-117      1.0


Background plots: There is moderate airglow but no serious problems.

Meteor blanking: Partial-frame meteors are seen in scan 030 (fr 105) and 111
(fr 227); for both of these the coadds look fine. A satellite is seen in scan 
046 (fr 62-65) and the coadds look fine, too. All other blanking are 
similarly ok.

Jump Counters:  All OK

Airglow/Coadd Noise:  All OK

Marginal Airglow/Coadd Noise:  All OK

Seeing Diagnostics:

Extensive Untracked Seeing:  All OK

Marginal Seetracker Scores (no downgrade):

    Scan  JSh  JMx  Seetr fct7  Untracked Ext.  Notes
    ----  ---------  ---------  --------------  ----------
     103  0.96 0.98  1.30  1.0     0    0  900  no problem; no flagging needed

Bad 2nd image moment ratios:  All OK

Astrometry Diagnostics:

Astrometric wander [blue]: Only 101v102 shows a wander duration larger than
normal. Even here the wander doesn't exceed 0.5". All other scan pairs look

Global astrometry [blue]: These look fine.

Scan tracking warnings: NONE

Science Diagnostics:

Photometric diagnostics [yellow]: Mean chi-squared values and photometric
linearity both look excellent. The low-latitude Hess plot shows some severe
astrophysical reddening in both the color-mag and color-color diagrams. 

Galaxy diagnostics [orange]: These look fine.

Quality Recommendation:

Sci scans:  (max score = 10; using min of fct's)

                      fct1 fct2 fct3 fct4 fct5
      Scans    Grade  phot sens see  untr airg
      -------  -----  ------------------------
      014-021   10    1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  
      028-034   10    1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  
      035        8    1.0  0.8  1.0  1.0  1.0  
      042-048    5    1.0  0.5  1.0  1.0  1.0  
      055        5    1.0  0.5  1.0  1.0  1.0  
      056        3    1.0  0.3  1.0  1.0  1.0  
      057-060    5    1.0  0.5  1.0  1.0  1.0  
      061-062    8    1.0  0.8  1.0  1.0  1.0  
      069        8    1.0  0.8  1.0  1.0  1.0  
      070-076   10    1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  
      083-090   10    1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  
      097-104   10    1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  
      111-117   10    1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  

Cal scans:  (non-photometric = 0, photometric = 10)

      Scans    Grade  Notes
      -------  -----  -----
      008-013   10    
      022-027   10    
      036-041   10    
      049-054   10    
      063-068   10    
      077-082   10    
      091-096   10    
      105-110   10    
      118-123   10    

Untracked Seeing Overrides: NONE

Version 2 Differences:

Delta Plots [red]: All changes are small.

Degraded scores: NONE

Improved scores: 

             Grades        Old QA Factors
     Scan  P3 Qn   Qo  phot sens see  untr airg  Notes
     ----  ------ ---  ------------------------  --------------
      069   8  6    6   0.7  0.8  1.0  1.0  1.0  An overlaps downgrade for this
      070  10  7    7   0.7  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0    sci block, needed in v2
      071  10  7    7   0.7  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0    processing, is not needed
      072  10  7    7   0.7  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0    here.
      073  10  7    7   0.7  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0
      074  10  7    7   0.7  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0
      075  10  7    7   0.7  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0
      076  10  7    7   0.7  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0

Special Notes:


SCANSCI Version 010829 (3.1) last run on Wed Dec 12 15:57:40 2001