Description of CAM04

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Description of CAM04


CAM04 allows to perform a scan of the CVF over a given wavelength range [_begin, _end]. The observer provides a sampling interval = an integer number of steps of the CVF between two points of the scan. The system determines the ``begin" and the ``end" positions of the wheels closest to the requested wavelength range limits, and scans between these positions at intervals. The Observer can be certain of the exact limits of the scan only if they have been selected in Tables gif to gif that provide for each piece of CVF :

A scan is always performed in the same optical configuration, but, within a single AOT CAM04 it is possible, always on the same pointing, to perform several scans, with different optical configurations (channel, PFOV, wavelength range [_begin, _end], intervals).

Beam-switching, raster scan, polarimetric observations and FLASH-MODE SW are not supported in CAM04.

The total Observation time for an observation is the sum of three terms :

which are described in sections gif, gif and gif.

ISOCAM Observer's Manual - V1.0
Tue Oct 31 12:06:23 MET 1995