The US-ISO Key Project on

The Interstellar Medium of Normal Galaxies: Properties and Evolution

George Helou (PI), David Hollenbach, Harley Thronson, Gordon Stacey, Robert Rubin, Harriet Dinerstein, Steven Lord, Michael Werner, Deidre Hunter, K.Y. Lo, Charles Beichman, Nanyao Lu, Nancy Silbermann, Sangeeta Malhotra (keeper of this page).

First there was the proposal

According to which observations were carried out with ISO for this final list of Distant Galaxies

Then came pretty pictures

ISO-CAM images of NGC 6946: a false color composite of LW2(blue) and LW3(red) images in linear (left) and log stretch (right).

And Papers

Initial reduction data from ISO in GIF/postscript/FITS/ASCII format.

Papers in progress

A (somewhat incomplete) summary of what ground based observations have been done, are being done

A summary of what is known about the distant galaxies (compiled by James Crawford).

This file maintained by Sangeeta Malhotra (
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Pasadena, CA 91125

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