This table of line fluxes is generated from LWS Auto-Analysis-Pipeline 7.0 products using Sangeeta's automatic reduction routines. The Auto-Analysis-Pipeline 7.0 does dark current subtraction and absolute gain correction on the measured LWS fluxes. It does not correct for a responsivity drift. At this point this is not found to be a serious omission. The biggest uncertainty in the raw measurements is due to variable dark currents. This affects the measurement of the continuum levels to upto a factor of few. So the *CONTINUUM VALUES ARE NOT TO BE TRUSTED AT THIS POINT*. The line fluxes are not hugely affected by the uncertainties in the continuum; the uncertainties in the line fluxes are dominated by the absolute gain corrections, and scatter therein and are of the order 30-percent. The procedure used to determine line fluxes is as follows. We first combine all scans for each line by medianing with rejection. We take all the non-flagged measurements and do a 5-sigma rejection on the flux points on all scans. Four measurement points immediately following each rejected point are also thrown out because of possible memory effects. Then a final profile is created by running a median filter of width 0.03 microns. The program then looks at the known redshift/velocity of the galaxy and fits a linear baseline to the continuum, excluding the points falling within the line profile. The width of the line profile is the larger of the instrumental profile or Delta-V=1500 km/s. Total line flux is determined by integrating under the line-profile after a baseline subtraction. The rms of the measurement is determined from the baseline. There were some doubts expressed that the pipeline products may not have the dark currents properly removed. Sangeeta and Jim Brauher looked at and corrected for the dark currents and absolute responsivity for all the galaxies individually using ISAP utilities. Using these "hand-corrected" data and running the above procedure for rejection and medianing we get line fluxes which are consistent with the pipeline products to 4 percent (1-sigma scatter), with extreme discrepancy upto 15 percent for lines that are detected at 5-sigma or better. In the next stage of data-reduction is planned to have the combining of individual data scans and rejection of bad scan/points done by hand. That is expected to be the most time consuming step of all, we (the royal we, i.e. Sangeeta) do not expect the line fluxes reported here to change substantially. We hope that some of the fainter lines will be detected. questions? comments? Send email to