IPAC 2MASS Working Group Meeting #84 Minutes

IPAC 2MASS Working Group Meeting #84 Minutes, 1/23/96

Attendees: C. Beichamn, T. Chester, R. Cutri, T. Evans, J. Fowler, L. Fullmer, T. Jarrett, D. Kirkpatrick, G. Kopan, B. Light, C. Lonsdale, H. McCallon, S. Terebey, J. White


  1. PS CDR Schedule
  2. AAS Meeting
  3. Telescope Status
  4. Persistence at Scan Endpoints


  1. PS CDR Schedule -- R. Cutri announced that the Point Source CDR will probably be held either the week of 2/26 or 3/18. To prepare for the CDR, he will be meeting with the developers of point source subsystems to gather information on the status of their software development, testing, and science team adviser interaction.

  2. AAS Meeting -- R. Cutri reported that the 2MASS posters had been very well received at the AAS Meeting. Four posters from IPAC were presented, along with others from the project.

  3. Telescope Status -- R. Cutri reported that R. Stiening had made a trip to Tucson to meet with the bonding company that is underwriting the telescope development since the original prime contractor filed for bankruptcy. The bonding company will decide how to pursue completion of the telescope, and the project will decide whether this telescope will be used in the northern or southern hemisphere. If the new telescope is assigned to the southern hemisphere, the Kitt Peak 50-inch telescope may be refurbished and used for the northern hemisphere, in which case the survey may start a few months ahead of schedule. This would result in some data archiving at IPAC, since 2MAPPS cannot be expected to be fully ready for production that soon. It would be necessary for 2MAPPS to support significant data quality sampling, however.

  4. Persistence at Scan Endpoints -- G. Kopan and T. Chester reported that they had determined that persistence effects caused by bright stars are primarily attributable to enhanced responsivity rather than simple draining of excess electrons. The brightness of a persistence artifact is therefore much less predictable than hoped, but the location is completely determined by the pixel coordinates. The persistence removal algorithm will continue to be based on position, but the Read1 sources near the beginning of a scan will be included in the information passed from POSFRM to MAPCOR. This will allow MAPCOR to search for persistence due to bright stars that were not covered to the full survey depth of six frames, hence stars which are not present in the point source extractions for the scan. Artifacts caused by bright stars incompletely covered at the ends of scans will have to be removed during catalog cleanup.