Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 09:42:37 -0700 (PDT)
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To: 2mass
Subject: IPAC 2MASS WG Mtg #151 Minutes
Cc: chas, stiening, bgreen
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Status: RO

           IPAC 2MASS Working Group Meeting #151 Minutes

Attendees: R. Beck, R. Cutri, S. van Dyk, T. Evans,
           J. Fowler, R. Hurt, T. Jarrett, G. Kopan, 
           H. McCallon, B. Nelson, J. White


1.) J. Gizis Visit
2.) Northern Observatory Upgrades
3.) 2MAPPS Deliveries
4.) AAS Meeting
5.) 2MASS Science Team Meeting
6.) WIRE/SIRTF Work Sharing
7.) Asteroid Analysis Support Proposal
8.) Assessment of Southern Hardware


1.) J. Gizis Visit

    R. Cutri reported that J. Gizis will be visiting IPAC for
about a week and will accompany him and D. Kirkpatrick on an
observing trip to Palomar, then participate in discussions aimed
at finalizing the Quality Assessment procedures.

2.) Northern Observatory Upgrades

    R. Cutri reported that R. Stiening will be at Mt. Hopkins the
first week of June to work on upgrading the telescope.
Collimation and focus-control changes are planned. New PSFs will
probably need to be computed after the changes, and some
iterating of the rotation for optimal dithering is possible but
not expected. The camera rotation and telescope step size will be
verified in real time after the changes, to be on the safe side. 
An evening crew will need to be on hand for this.

3.) 2MAPPS Deliveries

    R. Beck and R. Cutri reported that about half a dozen
subsystems have pending redeliveries to correct minor problems.
These will be tested on one of the RTB nights tonight. H.
McCallon reported that he had encountered an anomaly while
rebuilding PFPREP: whether the output executable was valid
depended on whether some of the subroutines shared with POSFRM
were recompiled at the same time or left over from a previous
POSFRM build. There are 24 shared subroutines, and Howard
narrowed the the list down to one very simple routine that caused
the observed problem when compiled with the "-fast" compiler
directive but not otherwise. The mystery was compounded by the
fact that identical-option compilations of this routine yielded
object modules of different sizes, depending on what else was
also compiled in the same execution of the make utility. For now,
a working PFPREP executable will be delivered, but some
investigation will continue to determine the nature and origin of
these anomalies.

4.) AAS Meeting

    S. van Dyk will maintain a signup sheet for team members
interested in attending the AAS Meeting in San Diego June 7-11.
The 2MASS Science Team meeting has been postponed, but there will
be a 2MASS booth that must be attended. Interested parties should
coordinate their plans with Schuyler.

5.) 2MASS Science Team Meeting

    The 2MASS Science Team meeting previously scheduled for the
same week as the AAS Meeting will be held on July 20 or 21
instead. A review of southern data processing is expected to be
on the agenda, along with discussions of the intermediate data
release scheduled for late August.

6.) WIRE/SIRTF Work Sharing

    It is expected that T. Chester, R. Cutri, J. Fowler, T.
Jarrett, and G. Kopan will spend some time doing work for WIRE,
and possibly also T. Evans and R. Hurt. J. White will devote 50%
of his time to SIRTF and 50% to 2MASS, not 80% and 20% as
reported incorrectly last week.

7.) Asteroid Analysis Support Proposal

    R. Cutri reported that M. Sykes has submitted a proposal to
the NASA Planetary Astronomy division for support in the analysis
of asteroid data from 2MASS. Roc also passed along information
from Mark to the effect that 2MASS has already become the source
of the largest set of near-infrared (i.e., J, H, and K band)
asteroid observations, with 96 objects observed in just four of
the RTB nights, as compared to 77 previously published.

8.) Assessment of Southern Hardware
    J. Fowler reported that the southern data processing shows
that asteroid associations are proceeding therein, and that
canonical darks and responsivities are being produced without any
nursing along. Furthermore, the darks show extremely low noise
and stable medians, with no startup transients or drifts such as
have been seen in the northern hardware.