
Sebastiano Calchi Novati


Title: Associate Scientist

Room Number: 200

Office Address: Morrisroe Astroscience Laboratory

Office Phone: 626-395-1914

Mail Code: MC 100-22

Email ( snovati

Research Interests: My main field of research activity is gravitational microlensing with a special interest in the search and characterization of exoplanets. As a main project I am involved in the science investigation team for the microlensing survey in WFIRST, more specifically for the simulation and the characterization of the detector. As part of this effort, I am also involved in the UKIRT microlensing survey finalized at the determination of the NIR microlensing rate near the Galactic center. In parallel, I am member of the "Spitzer Team" for the Spitzer microlensing program for which I have developed a specific photometry pipeline for time series analyses in crowded fields.

Activities: Nancy Grace Roman Space TelescopeNASA Exoplanet Archive